
misbehave vt.使行為不當 (misbehave oneself)...


The second part is about the way to set up rules in classrooms . rules are important in a classroom . without effective classroom rules . children will misbehave and the situation may become worse and worse 二、建立班級規則策略,班規是學生課堂生活里的穩定劑,沒有有效的班規制約學生的行為,學生種種的不良行為就會變得有恃無恐,一發而不可收拾。

No wonder they start to misbehave . “ he spoke as delegates said that “ parental paranoia “ over testing was putting pupils as young as four under unreasonable pressure from the moment they started school 同時與會代表還談到,目前為了迎合考試,家長中逐漸出現“偏執“心理,這使得四歲的孩子也不得不從進入學校那天起就面臨著過重的壓力。

If calling code ignored the api and manipulated data structures in the library code , this independence would be lost since a change in the library s implementation might break the misbehaving client 如果調用代碼忽略api并處理庫代碼中的數據結構,那么將喪失這種獨立性,因為庫實現中的改變可能破壞行為失常的客戶端。

Simply put , software is at the root of all common computer security problems . if your software misbehaves , you may be faced with reliability problems , availability problems , safety problems , and security problems 由于,不是每臺機器開始就有這些調用,那些有這些函數的程序員,在使用它們時,應該小心。

The third part is the way to handle classroom affairs . if teachers handle each of the classroom affairs effectively and orderly , the chance of students ' misbehaving will decrease 三、處理班級事務策略,老師若能有條不紊地處理繁瑣的班級事務,有序、有效地執行,這亦有肋於消減學生的不良行為。

When a child three years of age and older misbehaves , communicate his misbehavior in a language he understands so that he realizes why you are upset as well as how he can do better 針對3歲以上的孩子可以言語來批評他不良的行為,透過語言讓他知道剛剛的行為是媽媽不喜歡的,應該如何做比較好。

Os principles , copper mountain , co , usa , dec . 1995 , pp . 267 - 284 . 9 margo i seltzer , yasuhiro endo , christopher small et al . dealing with disaster : surviving misbehaved kernel extensions . in proc 我們還證明,用戶級驅動程序獲得的i o性能可以與用傳統內核驅動程序的linux所獲得的i o性能相媲美。

If you are informed that a particular class has been misbehaving on the day you see them , consider posting a notice from the regular classroom teacher on your chalkboard 如你在上他們課的那天,事先知道他們在某堂課曾失序過,你可考慮掛起級任導師的告示條(符咒)于黑板上以鎮邪。

Taylor ' s career , on the other hand , began like most other young boys who step into the gym for the first time ? he was misbehaving around the house and was in need of discipline 另一方面,泰勒的事業的開始好像其他的小孩子第一次步入體操房一樣? ?他在這里行為不端而且需要管教。

Punishment : how often parents yell or use physical punishment , versus calmly discussing or suggesting alternative ways of behaving to their misbehaving child 懲罰:對于做錯事的孩子,父母對其大吼或進行體罰,還是心平氣和地進行討論或提出其它的行為方式的建議的頻度。

As different kinds of external environment are possible to produce big temperature changes , pyroelectric detector is inevitable to be affected and misbehave 由于各種外界環境都可能產生一定的溫度場變化,因此熱釋電型探測器難免受到外界干擾而引入誤差。

But don ' t worry - the image of america is going to improve now that us misbehaving citizens are being taught how to act in other countries 不過不要擔心? ?美國的形象正在獲得改觀,我們這些不懂禮貌的公民正在其他的國家接受該如何待人接物的教導。

By misbehaving in class - whether you are talking to your friends or playing the fool - you disturb your fellow classmates and disrupt their learning 如果他們在班上胡鬧不認真學習,不但浪費自己的時間,也干擾了其他同學。

If your software misbehaves , you may be faced with reliability problems , availability problems , safety problems , and security problems 如果您的軟體執行不正常,您可能面臨可靠性問題、可用性問題、保險問題以及安全性問題。

In fact , students might see those classes as an opportunity to have a good time , and be more apt to misbehave 因而,這一點兒也不感到訝異,當他們在級任導師的教室表現得像天使般,但到了科任(特殊)課時就變成地魔。

If you don t train them well , they misbehave . then the person gets fed up because the dog might chew the furniture and other things 狗要是沒有好好訓練,要不了多久就會弄得一團糟,咬家俱什么都咬,讓主人受不了。

In the west the media has greater impact ; people in top positions are forced to resign if they misbehave 在西方,媒體具有較大的影響力;權高位重的人們如果行為不端,那么就會被迫辭職。

Out of frustration or anger . punishment may stop your child from misbehaving immediately . however , the effect is short - lived 幼兒可能因爭奪玩具、受到挫折或情緒欠佳而作出

That makes it harder to rein in the misbehaved , like china , which last month blew up a satellite 那就使得美國更難管束那些行為不端的國家,比如中國,它上月爆炸了一顆衛星。