
misbegotten adj.私生的;非法產生的; 起源不光彩的。


My guide said : “ stop and stand where you can see these other misbegotten souls whose faces you could not see before , for they were moving in the same direction we were , over there . 我的導師說道: “停下來,你且注視那些另外的生來作孽的幽靈,他們的臉孔你還沒有看到,因為他們沿著我們同一的方向行走。 ”

Richard , a whoreson crookback , misbegotten , makes love to a widowed ann what s in a name ? , 理查,一個娘子養的畸形的羅鍋兒,向寡婦安姓名有什么意義

“ what should ail me , to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe “加害于這樣一個不幸的私生嬰兒,難道我發瘋了?

The moon for the misbegotten : a female ' s alienation for the role in male society 女性在男權社會中的角色異化