
misappropriate vt.亂用;挪用(別人的錢);私吞;【法律】侵占,霸占。...


Article 39 no organization or individual may occupy , misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate a trade union ' s assets , funds or immovable property allocated by the state for use by the trade union 第三十九條工會的財產、經費和國家撥給工會使用的不動產,任何組織和個人不得侵占、挪用和任意調撥。

Three officers of the hongkong post were charged for their alleged roles in misappropriating cash proceeds totalling over 35 , 000 by arranging bogus credit card transactions 廉政公署落案起訴香港郵政三名職員,懷疑他們挪用郵局的現金收費共三萬五千多元,并以信用卡虛假簽賬作為掩飾。

The user of the misappropriated public funds can be held as accomplice only when he or she conspires and instigates or participates plotting the embezzlement of public funds 挪用公款的使用人只有在具備“共謀” 、并“指使”或“參與策劃”挪用公款時才構成挪用公款罪的共犯。

The determi nation of misappropriating public funds to the enterprise without corporate qualification should be subjectively clarified that this enterprise has no corporate qualification 挪用公款給不具備法人資格的企業使用成罪時主觀上應明知該企業不具有法人資格。

Article 43 relevant departments of the state shall strengthen the management of sports funds . no organization or individual may misappropriate or intercept sports funds 第四十三條國家有關部門應當加強對體育資金的管理,任何組織和個人不得挪用、克扣體育資金。

The activity of embezzling public funds conducted by those who are entrusted to administrate or operate state - owned properties should be determined as the crime of misappropriating capital 受委托管理、經營國有財產的人員挪用公款的行為應認定為挪用資金罪。

The court of appeal dismissed an appeal by a financial manager convicted of misappropriating company funds totalling 3 . 42 million 一名財務經理較早時被法庭裁定挪用三百四十二萬元公款罪名成立,其后提出上訴,被高等法院上訴法庭駁回其申請,維持原判。

The chairman and an executive director of a publicly listed company were charged for allegedly misappropriating company funds totalling more than 48 million 一名上市公司主席及一名執行董事,涉嫌盜取公司資金逾四千八百萬元,被廉政公署落案起訴。

A former agent of an insurance company was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for using false request forms to misappropriate a policyholder s reserve funds 一名保險公司前經紀,利用虛假申請表格,挪用保單持有人的儲備金,被判入獄六個星期。

A former agent of an insurance company was sentenced to 220 hours of community service for misappropriating funds from the insurance accounts of his clients 一名前保險公司經紀,從客戶的保險戶口中挪用資金,被判須履行二百二十小時社會服務。

A former agent of a real estate agency was sentenced to three months imprisonment for misappropriating commission totalling 3 , 550 . he was also fined 9 , 000 一名地產公司前代理,挪用共三千五百五十元傭金,被判入獄三個月,及罰款九千元。

A former managing director of a listed company was charged and brought to the court for allegedly misappropriating 20 million in company funds 一名上市公司前董事總經理,涉嫌挪用該上市公司二千萬元資金,被廉政公署落案起訴并提堂。

A former general manager of a craft manufacturing company was sentenced to three years imprisonment for misappropriating company funds totalling 1 . 2 million 一名工藝品制造公司前總經理,挪用公司資金共一百二十萬元,被判入獄三年。

No unit shall intercept or misappropriate the funds for agriculture allocated by people ' s governments at various levels or agricultural loans by banks 任何單位不得截留、挪用各人民政府撥付用于農業的資金和銀行的農業貸款。

No unit or individual shall misappropriate , embezzle part of , or detain the funding for science and technology allocated from the state financial budget 任何單位和個人不得挪用、克扣、截留國家財政用于科學技術的經費。

B : you ' d better check your credit report regularly , in order to prevent the individual credit information from being misappropriated 為防止個人信用信息被人盜用,建議您定期去查詢自己的信用報告。

You ' d better check your credit report regularly , in order to prevent the individual credit information from being misappropriated 為防止個人信用信息被人盜用,建議您定期去查詢自己的信用報告。

The court heard that in early 2004 , ng had misappropriated shares , valued at about 530 , 000 , belonging to nine clients 案情透露:二四年初,證券經紀伍庭石挪用屬于九名客戶約值五十三萬元的股票。

Article 75 in the course of securities trading , it is prohibited for anyone to misappropriate public funds to trade in securities 第七十五條在證券交易中,禁止任何人挪用公款買賣證券。