
misapprehend vt.誤解,誤會。n.-hension -hensive...


Exploration finds the causes of the exsisted problems - having violated and misapprehended and misapprehend the rule of education and principle of teaching ; having neglected the characteristics and nature of chinese while carrying out the reform ; having restricted the reform of chinese teaching by standarded examination 尋因中認真分析了存在問題的原因:違背和錯解了教育規律及教學原則;在實施教改時淡忘了語文的特點和性質;語文標準化考試圈圍著中學語文教育改革。

The paper points out that the critical activity is a kind of philosophical criticism , and also misrepresenting , misapprehending to relativity 文章指出,我國“文革”期間對相對論的批判是一種哲學批判,是對相對論物理內容的嚴重歪曲和誤解。

I thought you set less store by them even than i . you misapprehend me , father ; you often do , said angel with a little impatience “那你是誤解我了,父親你經常誤解我, ”安琪爾有點兒不耐煩地說。

The accident was caused by one motorist completely misapprehending the intentions of the other 事故發生的原因是一個汽車駕駛員完全誤解了另一個駕駛員的意圖。

You quite misapprehend my parents “你完全誤解了我的父母。