
misapply vt.誤用,錯用,濫用。n.-plication -pl...


Partnership bound by partner & # 0 ; s breach of trust the partnership is bound to make good the loss : where one partner acting within the scope of his apparent authority receives money or property of a third person and the misapplies it ; and where the partnership in the course of its business receives money or property of a third person and the money or property so received is misapplied by any partner while it is in the custody of the partnership 第十三條合伙人的錯誤行為約束合伙因為一合伙人在執行合伙事務的通常過程中或與其共同合伙人的職權有關的錯誤行為或不作為,而導致對非合伙人的其他人的損失或傷害或引起處罰,則合伙與做出上述錯誤行為或不作為的合伙人承擔相同程度上的責任。

Later in this article , it is common for developers to use cryptography , but misapply it in ways that destroy the security of the system , or to use encryption that is too weak and can easily be broken ) ,開發人員都普遍使用密碼技術,卻以破壞系統安全的方式濫用它;或者使用加密技術,但這些加密技術又太薄弱,很容易被破壞。

It focuses on using and developing xml applications , with a particular emphasis on aspects of xml that are often misunderstood or misapplied 它關注的是如何使用和開發xml應用程序,并特別強調了xml的哪些方面經常被誤解和濫用。

This helps you ensure that nobody else takes your annotation type and misapplies it or , better yet , that 這樣有助于避免他人誤用您的注釋類型(或者最好的地方是,

The real root of the problem is inadequately understood and misapplied theory 問題的本質沒有被適當的理解并且理論被錯誤地應用了。

Don t misapply it in a fit of fatigue 也不會因為疲憊而誤用它) 。