
misanthropy n.厭惡人類,厭世,憤世嫉俗。


“ talking of countries , “ replied franz , “ of what country is the count , what is his native tongue , whence does he derive his immense fortune , and what were those events of his early life - a life as marvellous as unknown - that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy 他靠什么生活?他這種龐大的財產是從哪兒得來的呢?他的生活是這樣的神秘莫測,在他的前期生活中,曾發生過什么大事,以致使他在后來歲月中抱有這樣黑暗陰郁的一種厭世觀呢?

The oval face was lengthened , his smiling mouth had assumed the firm and marked lines which betoken resolution ; his eyebrows were arched beneath a brow furrowed with thought ; his eyes were full of melancholy , and from their depths occasionally sparkled gloomy fires of misanthropy and hatred ; his complexion , so long kept from the sun , had now that pale color which produces , when the features are encircled with black hair , the aristocratic beauty of the man of the north ; the profound learning he had acquired had besides diffused over his features a refined intellectual expression ; and he had also acquired , being naturally of a goodly stature , that vigor which a frame possesses which has so long concentrated all its force within itself 他那橢圓形的臉已拉長了,那張含笑的嘴出在已刻上了顯示意志堅強而沉著的線條那飽滿的額頭上出現了一條深思的皺紋他的眼睛里充滿了抑郁的神色,從中不時地閃現出憤泄嫉俗的仇和恨的光芒他的臉色,因長期不和陽光接觸,而變成了蒼白色,配上他那黑色的頭發,現出一種北歐人的那種貴族美他學到的深奧的知識又使他臉上煥發出一種泰然自若的智慧之光:他的身材本來就很頎長,長年來體內又積蓄力量,所以顯得更加身強體壯了。

When hester was less alive to this consideration ; or , perhaps , in the misanthropy of her own trouble , she left the minister to bear what she might picture to herself as a more tolerable doom 有一段時間,海絲特沒怎么動腦筋考慮這一點也許是因為她自己痛不欲生,而把他的厄運看得比較容易忍受,也就沒去過問他。

S ran was , that the jailer , when he brought him his supper at seven o clock , might perceive the change that had been made ; fortunately , twenty times at least , from misanthropy or fatigue , dant 唐太斯遇到的第一個危險就是:當獄卒在七點鐘給他送晚餐來的時候,也許會發覺他的掉包計。