
misaimed adj.看錯了的;打錯了主意的。


2 tim . 2 : 18 who concerning the truth have misaimed , saying that the resurrection has already taken place , and overthrow the faith of some 提后二18他們在真理上偏離了目標,說復活的事已過,就傾覆一些人的信心。

Who concerning the truth have misaimed , saying that the resurrection has already taken place , and overthrow the faith of some 18他們在真理上偏離了目標,說復活的事已過,就傾覆一些人的信心。

1 tim . 6 : 21 because of which some , professing this , have misaimed regarding the faith . grace be with you 提前六21有些人自稱有這知識,就在信仰上偏離了目標。愿恩典與你們同在。

Because of which some , professing this , have misaimed regarding the faith . grace be with you 21有些人自稱有這知識,就在信仰上偏離了目標。愿恩典與你們同在。