
misadventure n.意外事故,不幸,災難,橫禍。 by misadven...


He saw him once on the auspicious occasion when they broke up the type in the insuppressible or was it united ireland , a privilege he keenly appreciated , and , in point of fact , handed him his silk hat when it was knocked off and he said thank you , excited as he undoubtedly was under his frigid expression notwithstanding the little misadventure mentioned between the cup and the lip - what s bred in the bone 事實是,當巴涅爾的大禮帽被擊落后,布盧姆把它撿起,遞了過去。盡管上述小小災難使巴涅爾功虧一簣211 ,他依舊神色坦然不過,內心無疑是激動的,還是說了聲。 “謝謝你”這是出于滲透到他骨子里的習性。

By evening , the log showed that two hundred and twenty miles had been accomplished from hong kong , and mr fogg might hope that he would be able to reach yokohama without recording any delay in his journal ; in which case , the only misadventure which had overtaken him since he left london would not seriously affect his journey 傍晚,船主檢查了測程器之后,知道了唐卡德爾號自從離開香港已經走了二百二十海里。現在斐利亞福克先生有希望在他到達橫濱的時候,看到自己的計劃一點也沒有耽擱。這樣看來,他從倫敦出發以來第一次碰到的意外,大概會毫無損失地平安度過了。

Working variously as bit part player and fashion model , her path is sown with misadventure . after several suicide attempts , zu ji , a repentant junkie , be come a dancing - queen in a beijing discotheque . rebellious and with a devil may care attitude to life , she dances till the wee hours in this ancient city to forget her heavy past 美麗的魂魄三個夜之女,一個在酒廊里當伴唱,留下幼女在鄉下給人撫養一個放棄學業,一邊干電影臨記和模特兒一邊發明星夢第三個拋下吸毒的過去,在的士高表演跳舞,把生命的精華盡情燃燒。

Making matters worse , sparrow s problems manage to interefere with the wedding plans of a certain will turner orlando bloom and elizabeth swann keira knightley , who are forced to join jack on yet another one of his misadventures 今集以鬼船長davey jones為首的一眾邪惡海盜,由制作隊伍運用最先進特技塑造大量深海惡靈魔物,陰森恐怖的變種船員面目猙獰,將影片的詭異氣氛推至極限!

Before the news reached their ears that their treasure was worthless “ fool ' s gold , ” disease , starvation , and misadventure had taken a heavy toll : 67 of the original 105 jamestown settlers died in the first year 結果,還未等聽到他們的財寶不過是些不值錢的“假金子”的壞消息,饑餓、疾病、災難就使一大批人命喪黃泉,詹姆斯郭殖民地原來105個拓居者在第一年里竟死去了67人。

The trio s puzzlement over a “ glowing ball “ is genuinely affable in its navety , and their misadventure to reach beijing is but one of the many hilarious counterpoints to the inevitability of commerce and globalisation .遠離文明,寓言故事的說服力可驚人。幕后亦有個精彩故事,戲拍到一半沒錢,唯有找帶孩子的老師充助導,司機任制片,電影毅力令人心折。

This movie is extremely alarming , an expression with here means “ a thrilling misadventure involving three ingenious orphans and a villainous actor named count olaf carrey who wants their enormous fortune . 他們的父母在一次火災中喪生,三人淪為孤兒,由遠親奧拉夫伯爵占基利飾照顧。自此,不幸的事接二連三地發生在他們身上,要靠他們的奇能化解。

Haunted not only by their losses ? nearly 3 , 000 soldiers dead ? but a sense of being unwelcome and making matters worse , the american people are aching to put the whole misadventure behind them 不僅被損失所困擾? ?幾乎死亡3000名士兵? ?而且還有一種不受歡迎和事情變的更糟的感覺,美國人正在痛苦的將所有不幸摔掉。

Economic insecurity is perceived by many to be rising ; and polls also suggest that voters increasingly see the iraq misadventure as threatening their domestic security too 很多人察覺到經濟不安全(金融風險)一直在提高;此外民意測驗也建議選民越來越多地把伊拉克的不幸視為威脅他們的國內安全。

The creators and caretakers of this website are not liable or responsible for financial loss or misadventure caused by the information provided here at any time past , present or future . gambling involves risk 玩家在參與任何賭博游戲或進行任何真錢博彩活動前應自行查詢在其所在地區的賭博條例

Switching between real lives and fantasies with their creation , they experience a series of misadventures and gradually moving close from innocence to maturity 漫畫世界與現實經歷一起雙線發展,帶出年輕人的成長之路。現實中連串的痛苦經歷,令他們漸漸成長,原來生活可不是這么容易。

After a series of adventures and 19 ) misadventures , the film ends with will turner happily 20 ) united with elizabeth , and jack sparrow back as captain of the black pearl 歷經一連串冒險與災難之后,電影結局是威爾特納與伊莉莎白快樂團聚,史派羅也重新當起《黑珍珠》的船長。

The creators and caretakers of this website are not liable or responsible for financial loss or misadventure caused by the information provided here at any time past , present or future 只是,開拓這個站點半年以上,遇到了用獨自的攻略constancy持續賭贏輪盤的人的也是事實。

Back in the present , after various and sundry misadventures , the two human protagonists , growing weary of the philosophical crow ' s loquaciousness , eat the bird and move on 回到當代,在經歷了一系列的大災小難后,兩個人逐漸厭煩了烏鴉哲學家的聒噪,就把它吃了,然后上路。

Despite these various misadventures , the memory of the white mouse forty - dollar check sustained him , though he was driven more and more to hack - work 盡管有這些倒霉的事,關于白鼠的那四十元支票的記憶仍然支持著他,只是他不得不越來越多地寫下鍋之作。

He had misadventures at first , hopelessly burning one pair and buying another , which expenditure again brought nearer the day on which he must put to sea 開頭他闖了禍,把一條褲子燙得一塌糊涂,只好月買一條,這樣又復提前了他出海的日期。

Yet the misjudgment and misadventure in iraq will forever soil a record that could have been so much better 但在伊拉克問題上的錯誤判斷和不幸遭遇,將永遠玷污他本應更好的政績。

Providing advice and support in case of accident , serious illness or death , misadventure or arrest 在發生意外、罹患重病、死亡等任何不幸或遭拘留時,提供建議與支援。

Moreover , he reckoned much on the interest of the danglars to hush up the rumor of their own misadventures 而且,他認為騰格拉爾為了面子,一定會阻止那件丑事的張揚。