
mirv MIRV = multiple independentl...


There is no key technology hard to master , let alone any need to make use of iridium satellite launches for improving china ' s mirv technique 不存在任何難以突破的關鍵技術,更談不上利用發射銥星來提高中國多彈頭的分配器技術。

Research on separation sequence of mirv missile based on target attacking sequence 基于目標打擊順序的多彈頭導彈分導方法

There were political limits to any proposal that impinged on our mirv program . 任何妨礙我們的分導式多彈頭計劃的建議都有政治上的限制。

A new and final round of mirv tests was scheduled to start in may . 新的,也是最后一輪的多彈頭分導導彈試驗定于五月份開始。