
mirthless adj.不快樂的,悲傷的;郁悶的。adv.-ly ,-n...


That punctual , mirthless laugh was ringing in prince andreys ears long after he had left speranskys 在他離開斯佩蘭斯基以后,這種有節制的憂郁的笑聲經久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁發出回響。

“ yes . no doubt that ' s what will be done , “ replied newman , and added with a mirthless laugh “是呀!確實要那么辦才行, ”紐曼回答說。接著他冷冷地笑了笑補充說。

Mirthless high malicious laughter 大家都笑了。

Kingstown pier , sir . some laughed again : mirthless but with meaning 有些人又笑了,不暢快,卻別有用意。

It was a curious laugh ; distinct , formal , mirthless 這笑聲很古怪,清晰拘謹,悲哀。

“yes. no doubt that's what will be done,“ replied newman, and added with a mirthless laugh . “是呀!確實要那么辦才行,”紐曼回答說。接著他冷冷地笑了笑補充說。

His mouth corners curved in his highly individual, cold, almost mirthless smile . 他嘴角一抿,露出極為獨特的,幾乎是悶悶不樂的淡笑。