
mirthful adj.歡樂的,高興的;歡笑的。adv.-ly 快快樂樂...


Berk said that combined with prior research into how laughter improves mood , the results “ would appear to carry important , positive implications for wellness , disease - prevention and most certainly stress - reduction . “ levels of these known feel - good substances remained elevated during the video , which brought about what the researchers call “ mirthful laughter , “ and for 12 to 24 hours afterward 伯克在美國心理學協會的實驗生物學年會上說,與之前的有關笑聲能改善情緒的研究結合起來看,這一結果“對于維持健康和防止疾病及減壓等,似乎都具有重要的、正面的暗示” 。

The eldest princess paused in her reading and stared at him in silence with dismay in her eyes . the second assumed precisely the same expression . the youngest , the one with the mole , who was of a mirthful and laughing disposition , bent over her frame , to conceal a smile , probably evoked by the amusing scene she foresaw coming 年長的公爵小姐中斷了朗讀,默不做聲地用恐懼的眼睛朝他瞟了一眼那位年幼的公爵小姐,臉上沒有胎痣,卻流露出同樣的表情最年幼的小姐,臉上長著一點胎痣,天性活潑,滑稽可笑,她朝繃子彎下腰去,藏起了笑意,大概她已預見到即將演出一幕鬧劇,這使她覺得可笑。

Levels of these known feel - good substances remained elevated during the video , which brought about what the researchers call “ mirthful laughter , “ and for 12 to 24 hours afterward . the results , announced today , are being presented at an annual meeting called experimental biology convened by the american physiological society 報道說,在觀看錄像的過程中,人體內“讓人感覺良好”的物質的水平依舊呈上升趨勢,且在之后的12小時到24小時內依然保持著效果。

Several adjutants galloped off , and within an hour denisovs serf lavrushka , whom his master had left with rostov , rode up to napoleon , sitting on a french cavalry saddle , wearing an orderlys short jacket , and looking sly , tipsy , and mirthful 幾個副官策馬前去,一個小時后,杰尼索夫出讓給羅斯托夫的農奴拉夫魯什卡,穿著勤務兵的短上衣,騎在法國騎兵的馬上,帶著一張狡黠含有醉意快活的面孔來見拿破侖。

For several years now , scientists have suspected that “ mirthful “ laughter , as distinguished from nervous or self - conscious chuckles , can help the immune system and even fight heart disease , but serious data have been lacking 數年來,科學家一直懷疑歡快的放聲大笑,有別于神經性的或者只有自己才能感知的暗自輕聲笑,能幫助提高免疫系統技能,甚至還可以抵御心臟疾病,但至今還缺乏嚴謹的科研數據。

Speransky was standing at the table with a mirthful countenance , wearing a grey frock coat with a star , and the white waistcoat and high white stock , in which he had been at the famous sitting of the state council 斯佩蘭斯基穿著灰色燕尾服,佩戴勛章,顯然他在出席聞名的國務會議時也穿著這件白色的坎肩,系著這條高高的白領帶,這會兒他帶著愉快的面容站在餐桌旁。

Dolohov looked at pierre with his clear , mirthful , cruel eyes , still with the same smile , as though he were saying : come now , this is what i like 多洛霍夫把那明亮快活殘忍無情的目光朝著皮埃爾掃了一眼,含著微笑,仿佛在說: “啊,這就是我所喜愛的。 ”

Her face suddenly glowed , expressing a desperate and mirthful resolution . she rose in her seat , her eyes inviting pierre to listen , and addressed her mother 她欠身起來一下,向坐在對面的皮埃爾投以目光,請他仔細聽著,又向母親轉過臉去說話。

“ so i thought , what ' s universal ? laughter is universal . and mirthful , happy laughter is a very positive emotional experience , “ he says 何謂普遍性?大聲大笑可以說是具有普遍性,快樂的大笑是一種極為積極的情感經歷。

Let ' s recall the pleasant past and mirthful laughter and look forward to a day reunion of friends coming from far and wide 回憶愉快的往事,懷念歡樂的笑聲;天涯海角盼相聚,你我何時重相逢。

In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane ; to be cheerful was to be frivolous - she drew no distinctions 在她看來,歡笑就是褻瀆神明,高興就是輕薄, - -她看不出其間有什么區別。

Her funny costume caused much mirthful laughter among the guests 她那滑稽的服裝引得客人哄堂大笑。

In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane; to be cheerful was to be frivolous-she drew no distinctions . 在她看來,歡笑就是褻瀆神明,高興就是輕薄,--她看不出其間有什么區別。