
mirth n.歡樂;歡笑。


What was comedy to them was tragedy to her ; and she could hardly bear their mirth 在他們眼中是一出喜劇,然而在她眼里卻是一出悲劇對于他們的歡樂,她簡直受不了。

It was only too obvious that i was the cause of their mirth : my embarrassment deepened as a result 不用說是我成了她們的笑柄我發窘的模樣更加讓她們笑個不停。

The mirth of tabrets ceaseth , the noise of them that rejoice endeth , the joy of the harp ceaseth 賽24 : 8擊鼓之樂止息、宴樂人的聲音完畢、彈琴之樂也止息了。

The mirth of tabrets ceaseth , the noise of them that rejoice endeth , the joy of the harp ceaseth 8擊鼓之樂止息,宴樂人的聲音完畢,彈琴之樂也止息了。

Giles gosling himself was somewhat scandalized at the obstreperous nature of their mirth 吉爾斯?戈斯林本人看到大家高興起來那么喧嘩,有點難為情。

“ again the young friends gave way to their mirth ” ( henry wadsworth longfellow ) “年輕的朋友們又一次歡笑起來” (亨利?華茲渥斯?朗費羅) 。

No company , i ' m alone . no sunshine , i ' m dark . no mirth , i ' m gloomy 沒有伙伴,我是孤獨的。沒有陽光,我是黑暗的。沒有歡笑,我是陰郁的。

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful ; and the end of that mirth is heaviness 人在喜笑中,心里也會有痛苦;歡樂的結局,會是愁苦。

Let your laughter be but a meaningless mirth like twinkles of light on the ripples 讓你的笑聲只作為無意義的歡樂,像浪花上的閃光。

That the mirth of the wicked is brief , the joy of the godless lasts but a moment 3惡人夸勝是暫時的,不敬虔人的喜樂不過轉眼之間嗎

Though this occasioned great mirth among the guests , aunt harriet was horrified 雖然此事在賓客間引起歡笑,哈麗特姑母卻給嚇著了。

Though this caused great mirth among the guests , aunt harriet was horrified 這件事引起了客人們的歡笑,但哈麗特卻著實嚇了一跳。

No mirth , i ' m gloomy 沒有歡笑,我是陰郁的。

When i told them what had happened to me , they all chortled with mirth 我把我的事告訴他們以后,他們咯咯地笑起來了

These verbs refer to making another the butt of amusement or mirth 這些動詞意指使別人成為取笑和歡笑的靶子。

I said of laughter , it is mad : and of mirth , what doeth it 2我指嬉笑說,這是狂妄。論喜樂說,有何功效呢。

Linton giggled : the first appearance of mirth he had exhibited 林??吃吃地笑了:他第一次顯出開心的神色。

Linton giggled : the first appearance of mirth he had exhibited 林敦吃吃地笑了:他第一次顯出開心的神色。

Phantasmal mirth , folded away : muskperfumed 莫再扭過臉兒去憂慮