
mirror n.1.鏡;反射鏡。2.反映;借鑒;榜樣。短語和例子a ...

mirror image

Next she tried to study herself in the mirror enclosed in a tarnished wreath of gilt plaster . 隨后她在一個金漆已經變色的圓鏡子面前仔細地端詳自己。

Why do we not see images of ourselves in walls and furniture as well as in mirrors ? 我們為什么不能象從鏡子里那樣從墻上或者家具上看到自己映象呢?

They stand before the mirror and still can not fathom the exact outline of the vision before them . 他們立于鏡前,仍然識不透面前形象的真切輪廓。

The reverse side of the mirror should be in continuous contact with air without needing ventilation . 反射鏡的背面應經常與空氣接觸但無需通風。

“ you need not be so rude about it , “ my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror . “你別這樣無禮,”我妻子邊照鏡子邊回答說。

Suddenly a tremendous explosion shook the house and smashed my mirror to bits . 忽然一聲劇烈的爆炸振動了這所房屋,將我的鏡子打得粉碎。

If i covered a mirror when a storm was raging, the lightening would not strike me . 如果出現暴風驟雨時,我把鏡子蓋上,閃電就不會擊我。

The gas-jets on either side of the mirror flooded her with warm crude light . 鏡子兩邊的凡斯燈光,放出溫暖而粗糙的光亮,在浸照著她。

He raised the mirror swiftly. an expression of utter bewilderment came to his face . 他迅速舉起鏡子,臉上露出不知所措的驚異神情。

The term “stereoisomerism“ however, is generally restricted to mirror image isomerism . 然而“立體異構”一詞通常只限于鏡象異構。

After he urinated, he leaned on the sink and studied his face in the mirror . 凈手之后,他靠著浴盆對著鏡子端詳起自己的臉來。

There, a slight shift in a mirror of a fraction of a wavelength was fatal . 在那里,反射鏡稍稍移動幾分之一個波長都是致命的。

After he urinated, he leaned on the sink and studied his face in the mirror . 小便之后,他靠著浴盆對著鏡子端詳起自己的臉來。

The suspension of the mirrors must be very frictionless, but strongly damped . 反射鏡的懸掛既要無摩擦,但又要有強阻尼。

The lower half of the pattern will be obtructed by the presence of the mirror itself . 圖樣的下半部被反射鏡本身擋掉了。

We count the number of photos arriving at d1 without the mirror . 我們對沒有放入鏡子時達D1的光子進行計數。

In the mirror she saw a man doing something very curious . 她從鏡子里看到一個男人正在做著十分奇怪的事情。

The still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain . 平靜的湖水映出山的優美輪廓。

In this manner a complete image is formed behind the mirror . 按這種方式形成一個位于鏡后的完整的映像。