
miranda n.米蘭達〔女子名〕。


Look , miranda , i don t wanna scare you 米蘭達,我不想嚇你

I had to pick him up off the floor , miranda . in pieces 我得把尸首從地上上撿起來,米蘭達,一塊塊地!

Miranda , don ` t ! no , don ` t , please 米蘭達,別!不要,不要

Miranda , don t ! no , don t , please 米蘭達,別!不要,不要

Now , if you ll excuse me , miranda 請原諒,我要走了,米蘭達

Don t do this to me , please , miranda 不要這樣對我!米蘭達

Now , if you ` ll excuse me , miranda 請原諒,我要走了,米蘭達

Don ` t do this to me , please , miranda 不要這樣對我!米蘭達

- maybe i went into shock . - miranda -也許我被嚇壞了-米蘭達

Miranda , you have to stop doing this . do you understand me ? 米蘭達,你不能這樣走下去了,你明白嗎?

Look , miranda , i don ` t wanna scare you . . 米蘭達,我不想嚇你

Rehnquist : the development of miranda system in rational limitations 在合理的限制中發展米蘭達規則

Mr . field : dr . miranda . welcome to great britain 菲爾德先生:米蘭達博士。歡迎您來到大不列顛。

Some years back , there was call for workers to settle on miranda 以前是有人招工人到摩蘭達移民

Please ! no ! miranda , no ! no , please 求你了!不要!米蘭達,不要!

Man : i ' ve got a message for dr . miranda . it ' s important 男:我有米蘭達博士的消息。非常重要。

Aii i want is the money . - viva miranda -我只要錢. -米蘭達萬歲

Miranda worked hard for three months to get that outfit 米蘭達為那身外套苦干了三周的活兒。

Paul : there he is . there is miranda 保羅:他在那里。米蘭達在那里。