
miraculous adj.1.奇跡般的,不可思議的,令人驚嘆的;非凡的。2...


Because the truth is , by the time these miraculous wounds appeared . . 因為真相是奇跡的傷痕出現的那個時候…

The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy 這支軍隊打敗了強得多的敵人,贏得奇跡般的勝利。

99 master s wonders my miraculous pocket 神奇入袋的

If you have a miraculous power , what do you most want to do 今日話題:假如你有一種神奇的能力,你最想做什么?

There s nothing miraculous about it : it s because you have learned them 這沒什么神奇,因為你們已經學過了。

Strange , miraculous , astonishing 真奇妙,令人驚訝!

God s blessing was miraculous 上帝的力量真不可思議!

Celestial clothes - my miraculous armor 天衣我的護身盔甲

Because the truth is , by the time these miraculous wounds appeared 因為真相是奇跡的傷痕出現的那個時候

It s a magic oil . a miraculous oil . it can never be exhausted 這是神奇之油,奇跡之油取之不盡用之不竭

The miraculous “ ninety - nine percent 神奇的百分之九十九

Miraculous things will take place , god incidences and blessings will happen 神的事情和福氣會臨到。

To number one heavyweight contender has truly been miraculous 成為挑戰重量級冠軍一號挑戰者真是奇跡

And all that : einstein ' s miraculous year 愛因斯坦奇跡年1905

A miraculous escape from an air disaster 師父助我逃過空難一劫

This is a hot spring credited with miraculous curative powers 這是被認為具有奇特治療功能的溫泉。

Look at this bundle of miraculous talent 瞧瞧這不可思議的才氣

Wife : you see , how miraculous and powerful i am for you 妻子:你看,我對你是多麼神奇和夠力的。

In his heart martin knew that it was the miraculous truth 馬丁從心里知道那是一個奇跡般的事實。