
miracle n.1.奇跡;奇事,奇人。2.奇跡劇。短語和例子to a...

miracle fruit

Two years ago this miracle happened to me , okay 兩年前奇跡發生在我身上,知道嗎?

He created a miracle in the high jump game (在跳高比賽中,他創造了一個奇跡。 )

According to my student , this is a miracle 依照我學生的說法,這確是一個奇跡。

It ' s an inversion of 3 p . m . , the miracle hour 是午時3點的倒置,那個奇跡的時刻

I just can t believe this . it s like a miracle 我就是沒法相信。這簡直是奇跡。

107 story world a miracle of “ skipping a house 107故事百寶箱一屋之隔的神奇

Never give up on anybody ; miracles happen 不要對任何人失去信心,奇跡總會發生。

And the miracle that you are so deeply disoriented . . 你居然也會這樣手足無措. .

I just can ` t believe this . it ` s like a miracle 我就是沒法相信。這簡直是奇跡。

A woman of intellect, steeped in a splendid sentiment, hitherto a miracle of female constancy, might stir a younger woman to some emulation . 一個聰明的女人,由于沉緬于崇高的感情而形成了女性堅貞如一的奇跡,這樣的女人也可以在這里激發一個比較年輕的女人去仿效。

When you are going to do a miracle for an ignorant race, you want to get in every detail that will count . 既然是要對一個無知無識的種族賣弄你的神通,有用處的旁枝末節,就哪樣也不可忽略。

You can not be so arbitrary about this . if jesus were not god , he could n't have performed so many miracles . 你對這件事不能這么武斷,如果耶穌不是上帝,也不可能造那么多奇跡。

The theologians used to assert that the proof the divine inspiration of the bible rested on miracles and prophecies . 神學家總是宣稱驗證《圣經》中神靈的啟示有賴于奇跡和預言。

The woman's miracles would not impose on a rabbit: she does not claim them as miracles herself . 這個女人的奇跡連一只小兔子也騙不了她自己也根本沒有把它們當作奇跡。

“good heavens, doctor,“ cried miss ley, “he must be a miracle of rural excellence. “ “天哪,醫生,”萊伊小姐喊道,“看來他定是農村杰出人物中一個令人驚奇的人。

Can't imagine her in school uniform, but i suppose the miracle will be apparent tomorrow . 真想不出她穿上學校制服是個什么模樣,可是我想這奇跡到明天就會分曉。

The original aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives . 沒有人指望雅利安人原來的神會顯出什么神通奇跡,或者會支配人們的生活。

Starting bare-handed , you have built up so many steel plants . this is nothing short of miracles . 你們白手起家,修建了這么多鋼鐵廠,這簡直是個奇跡。

Well, pamela darling, so i'll be free, if by some miracle you'll still have me . 哎,親愛的帕米拉,我就要自由了,如果憑借某種奇跡,你還肯要我的話。