
mirabilite n.【化學】芒硝。


The refinement of product mirabilite is an improvement of the mirabilite extraction by thermal process . it bas an effect on brine purification and mirabilite extraction without changing the technological process 產品芒硝的精制是對熱法提硝的改進,它在不改變原有工藝流程的前提下,通過產品精制取得了鹵水凈化提硝的效果。

Experience in treating episiohematoma and hematoma pelvis after operation by spreading pieplant and mirabilite 白虎加桂枝湯加減治療急性痛風30例體會

The refinement of product mirabilite in the extraction of mirabilite by thermal process 熱法提硝中產品芒硝的精制

The present status of mirabilite and its development countermoves , huaian city 淮安芒硝資源開發現狀與發展對策

Experimental study on mineral processing for a mirabilite ore in inner mongolia 云南某鮞狀赤鐵礦選礦試驗研究

Applicafion of sitz bath with mirabilite and taheng mixture to cure hemorrhoidal 硝黃合劑坐浴在痔疾中的應用