
mips MIPS =million instructions p...


This is a simple question of economics - anyone selling general - purpose mips systems with hard drives and tv tuners in them for 100 would go broke quickly 這是一個非常簡單的經濟學問題以100美元的價格銷售具有硬盤和tv諧調器的通用mips系統的任何公司很快就破產了。

Mips is a eximious delegate of risc . so many traits of mips fit the pipeline availability , and it is the excellent architecture of pipeline design Mips是一個優秀的risc版本,它的許多設計特點尤其適合流水線技術的運用,是一個非常適合cpu流水線設計的架構平臺。

The mips platform does not support the full precision specified by the standard for binary floating point arithmetic specification , and can cause unpredictable results Mips平臺不支持二進制浮點算術標準規范指定的完全精度,可能會導致不可預知的結果。

I don t know if you ve heard of the orc open research compiler ; it s basically what used to be the sgi compiler for mips and itanium 不知你是否聽說過orc [ open research compiler ,開放研究編譯器] ;它基本上就是過去用于mips和安騰的sgi編譯器。

However , as the debian kernels for mips do not use an initrd to boot the system , some of this information may not be relevant for you 的相關資訊。然而,因為在mips上的debian kernel并不使用initrd來啟動系統,這些資訊中有些是和您無關的。

It s a little less typical for a mips system , but they presumably opted for compatibility with the series1 systems , which ran on powerpc 這對于mips系統來說并不是非常典型,但是卻可以選擇與series1系統兼容,后者是在powerpc上運行的。

Mathematics of computation , 2003 , 72 : 685 - 696 . 63 hormann k , greiner g . mips : an efficient global parameterization method . in proc 本文將從能量優化的角度,闡述各種參數化方法數學本質,揭示各種參數化的方法之間的內在聯系和區別。

These two systems both work under linux for godson server , and translate the elf file of x86 isa to godson isa ( mips likely ) 兩個系統都是在linux下,把elf格式的x86文件翻譯到godson (類mips )指令集并在godson服務器上運行。

Installations on mips based cobalt machines qube 2700 , raq1 , qube2 , raq2 are now possible without the use of a serial console 在mips為基礎的cobalt機器qube 2700 raq1 qube2 raq2上,已可不透過串列主控臺就能進行安裝。

The software and hardware design of smart card interface module of system on a chip based on mips processor is discussed in this dissertation 本文主要討論基于mips處理器的片上系統的智能卡接口模塊的軟、硬件設計。

Secondly , linux also supports most of the new microprocessors used in embedded designs , including strongarm , mips and powerpc 其次, linux已經支持大多數嵌入式系統上使用的芯片,包括strongarm , mips和powerpc 。

The basic principles of mit and the applications of molecularly imprinted polymers ( mips ) in separation fields were introduced 闡述了分子印跡方法的基本原理,介紹了分子印跡聚合物在分離領域的應用。

2 . 4 . 2 new utilities to generate initrds the debian kernel image packages for mips do not require an initrd for booting the system 在mips上的debian kernel影像套件并不需要用到initrd才能讓系統開機。

Describes arm , renesas , and mips family processors , and lists differences between desktop and device compilers 描述arm 、 renesas和mips系列處理器,并列出桌面編譯器與設備編譯器之間的區別。

However , for mips , the manual has not been fully updated and fact checked for the new installer 但是,在mips架構下,本手冊尚未對新版的安裝程式進行完整的更新和實際檢測。

The aim of mips pipeline is that one instruction completed in one period averagely Mips流水線的設計目標是要達到平均每個時鐘周期完成一條指令,這就是流水線的極限速度。

Ims customers mips have been growing rapidly to over 2 . 6 million mips worldwide 全世界范圍內ims客戶的mips已經迅速增長到超過260萬。

This may change in the future as it depends on further linux mips kernel development 隨著linux mips內核的開發,將來也許會改變。

Chip , a mips core with some handy support for set - top box features 芯片的,這是一個mips芯片,可以支持機頂盒的一些特性。