
miocene n.,adj.【地質學;地理學】第三紀中新統(的),第三...


Based on available data , the study on regional structure , sedimentary reservoir and source rock characteristics shows that the basins in south china sea had experienced sedimentary evolution in faulting period and depression period , deposited thick cenozoic formation , upwardly developed alluvial fan facies , river - lake facies coastal swamp facies coastal facies , neritic facies and bathyal deposit system , regionally had 3 source rocks of eocene , oligocene and miocene , 3 reservoirs of pre - cenozoic basement buried bill , oligocene sandstone and miocene reef , with pliocene and pleistocene neritic facies and bathyal shale as regional caprock 摘要以現有資料為基礎,通過對區域構造、沉積儲層、烴源巖特征等基礎石油地質條件研究,認為南海海域各盆地經歷了斷陷期和坳陷期沉積演化,沉積了巨厚的新生代地層,自下而上發育了沖積扇相、河湖相、濱岸沼澤相、濱海相、淺海相、半深海相沉積體系,區域上存在始新統、漸新統和中新統3套烴源巖,前新生代基巖潛山、漸新統砂巖、中新統生物礁3套儲層,區域蓋層為上新統和更新統淺海半深海相泥巖。

Before the early 1990s geologists knew only that powerful movements of the earth ' s crust forged south america ' s andes and towering mountain peaks elsewhere ( including the himalayas and the alps ) primarily between about 23 million and five million years ago , an epoch of the earth ' s history known as the miocene 在1990年代初期以前,地質學家只知道地殼板塊的劇烈運動,推擠出南美洲的安地斯山,以及其他地方的高聳山峰(包括喜馬拉雅山及阿爾卑斯山) ,時間主要是在2300 ~ 500萬年前,這段時期就是地球歷史上的中新世。

The study results can be summerized as following aspects : ( 1 ) the basic settling curve of this basin was broken - line shape of seven sections in which upper jurassic , lower cretaceous , eocene , oligocene and neogene corresponded with the decline ones representing five episodic clear subsidences of this basin , late cretaceous to paleocene and early miocene corresponded with the rising ones reflecting the uplift and denudation of this basin . ( 2 ) the subsidence of this basin migrated from the east to the west , from mesozoic to cenozoic 研究表明: ( 1 )北黃海盆地的基本沉降曲線型式為7段折線狀,其中晚侏羅世、早白堊世、始新世、漸新世、新近紀為曲線下降段,代表盆地5幕較明顯的沉降;晚白堊世古新世以及中新世早期為曲線上升段,反映盆地的抬升剝蝕。

The neogene is a key stage of terrestrial environmental evolution in yunnan . three stratigraphic sections including luhe ( late miocene ) , yangyi and longling ( late pliocene ) were selected to reconstruct vertical landscape of paleovegetation in these areas , based on palynological data . according to principle of the coexistence approach , seven quantitative paleoclimatic parameters of each deposit area were obtained by using meteorological data ( 1951 - 1980 ) of the distribution area of extant taxa found each palynoflora in china 晚第三紀是云南地區環境演變過程中的關鍵地質歷史時段,本論文以晚第三紀晚中新世(呂合) 、晚上新世(羊邑和龍陵)地層中的孢粉為研究對象,結合同層位大化石植物證據,參照現代植被,恢復了云南三個化石出產地區的古植被垂直分布景觀,并定性地描述了古氣候;同時運用共存分析方法( theco - existenceapproach )定量化地重建了三個地區的古氣候參數值;初步推測了沉積地可能的古海拔。

The volcanic rock age and the age of the qiangtang formation determined the wudaoliang group between 20 - 5ma , discovering a flood of spore and pollen with ostracods fossils ( regard eucypris as principle ) , which are miocene epoches typical numerator , therefore wudaoliang group accumulate in miocene epoch is doubtless ; 9 - 2ma are the age of the suonahu formation based on the data of the esr , which were characteristic of later period in miocene epoch - pliocene epoch , spore and pollen with fossil all were miocene epoch period 由火山巖和覆于其上的羌塘組的年齡限定五道梁群的沉積時間為20 - 5ma ,五道梁群中發現大量的孢粉和介形蟲化石(以eucypris為主) ,分析認為它們都是中新世時期的典型分子,因此五道梁群的沉積時間為中新世是無疑的;嗩吶湖組的esr測年數據范圍為9 - 2ma ,代表中新世晚期?上新世時期,孢粉和化石都具有中新世時期的特征。

Tian shan extends east - west in central asia , the tian shan range was formed in later paleozoic , and a few intramontan basins appeared in mesozoic . it uplifetd again in early miocene because of the north - south compression induced by the india - asia collision , so many active structures can be found in tian shan . active tectonics took actions during last ten thousands yeas , and surface traces of fault scarps , detached gullies and folds in alluvial deposit are apparent , so it is easy to distinguish them from other geological phenomema 天山位于亞洲中部,天山造山帶形成于晚古生代,到中生代時,在天山內部形成了一些山間盆地,印度板塊在始新世向北與歐亞板塊碰撞,天山受南北向擠壓力的作用再度于早中新世隆起,由于板塊碰撞的持續進行,在天山山間及山前發育了許多的活動構造。

Abstract : comparison and study of the biotic characters in the jinggu and longchuan basins in yunnan province show that : ( 1 ) the two basins underwent the developing period , expanding period and shrinking period from early miocene epoch to pliocene epoch ; ( 2 ) the climate in the region was dry in early miocene epoch , warm and humid in middle - late miocene epoch and dry in pliocene period ; ( 3 ) the basins expanding in middle - late miocene epoch formed a semi - deep - lake to deep - lake environment 文摘:通過對云南景谷盆地及隴川盆地新生代生物群特征的對比,探討了新生代兩大盆地環境演變:早中新世到上新世為湖盆發展期湖盆擴大萎縮期,氣候為早期的千燥中新世早期的溫暖濕潤中新世中晚期的寒冷陰濕上新世的干燥,而中新世中晚期湖盆的擴大形成的半深湖深湖環境為油氣的形成提供了有利條件。

Comparison and study of the biotic characters in the jinggu and longchuan basins in yunnan province show that : ( 1 ) the two basins underwent the developing period , expanding period and shrinking period from early miocene epoch to pliocene epoch ; ( 2 ) the climate in the region was dry in early miocene epoch , warm and humid in middle - late miocene epoch and dry in pliocene period ; ( 3 ) the basins expanding in middle - late miocene epoch formed a semi - deep - lake to deep - lake environment 通過對云南景谷盆地及隴川盆地新生代生物群特征的對比,探討了新生代兩大盆地環境演變:早中新世到上新世為湖盆發展期湖盆擴大萎縮期,氣候為早期的千燥中新世早期的溫暖濕潤中新世中晚期的寒冷陰濕上新世的干燥,而中新世中晚期湖盆的擴大形成的半深湖深湖環境為油氣的形成提供了有利條件。

In this paper , we investigated the fruits and seeds in detail from yunnan in the age of miocene and from shanxi in the age of pliocene . 1 . a miocene flora of fruits and seeds is reported from a brown coal mine , named as mangdan , in western yunnan , sw china 本論文首次對我國云南和山西晚第三紀的果實和種子進行專門研究,并根據它們對應的現存最近親緣植物的分布及生態特征分析和重建了當時當地的古植被、古環境和古氣候。

The structure evolution and the earth dynamics mechanism of chagan sag and its adjacent area during miocene - cenozoic . divided four favorable places for prospecting based on the discussion of relation between the structure character and petroleum and gas of chagan sag 論文還討論了查干凹陷及其鄰區中?新生代的盆地構造演化及其地球動力學特征,探討了查干凹陷構造特征與油氣的關系,劃分了四個有利勘探區帶。

Whereas modern apes exhibit a rich repertoire of locomotory modes ? from the highly acrobatic brachiation employed by the arboreal gibbon to the gorilla ' s terrestrial knuckle walking ? early miocene apes were obliged to travel along tree branches on all fours 雖然現代猿的移動模式花樣繁多,例如長臂猿在樹間以雙臂移動身體、大猩猩在地面上以上肢手背關節支撐體重,但是中新世早期的猿類都以四肢在樹枝上活動。

Despite the growing evidence against a long - lived seaway in miocene amazonia , the strontium signatures in the mollusks revealed that this enormous lake system did experience occasional salinity increases 盡管越來越多的證據,反對亞馬遜河流域在中新世有長存的海道,但是軟體動物殼上的鍶標記,卻還顯示出這個龐大的湖泊系統,的確經歷了幾次鹽份升高的過程。

The existence of two taxa of taxodiceae reflects a warm - humid local environment under subtropical climate during late miocene . there are 4 taxa , pinus armandii , ericaceoxylon longlingense , ericaceoxylon hymenanthesoides and 他們反映的古植被為針闊混交林,生長于亞熱帶溫涼濕潤的山地氣候環境中,當時當地的誨拔高度在1800 3000米之間。

Comparison with two species of ruppia in the age of miocene from europe indicates the existence of three fossil species from miocene to pliocene and from europe to east asia stratigraphically and geographically 榆社川蔓藻將川蔓藻屬的第三紀地理分布范圍從歐洲延伸到了東亞,并且填補了它在上新世地層的空缺。

The lacustrine carbonate rocks occur on a wide range of scales in the palaogene and neogene strata in the hoh xil basin , qinghai , and constitute an important part of the miocene wudaoliang group sediments 摘要湖相碳酸鹽巖在可可西里盆地的古、新近紀地層中分布廣泛,更是中新統五道梁群沉積的主要組成部分。

The sedimentary systems were alluvial fan - braided fluvial river - lacustrine depositional systems during the paleocene - eocene , and braided fluvial river - lacustrine depositional systems during the oligocene - miocene 古新世始新世發育沖積扇辮狀河湖泊沉積體系,漸新世中新世發育辮狀河湖泊沉積體系。

Oilsand has been found in many ground structures in northern kashi sag , which distributed mainly in miocene anjuan and pakabulake formation , secondly in lower cretaceous kzlesu formation 摘要喀什凹陷北部地表構造出露有多處油砂,分布層位主要是中新統安居安組和帕卡布拉克組,次為下白堊統克孜勒蘇群。

Finally , author have discussed the relationship transformation process of the honghe fault shear mode and block movement , proofed that the eta - type tectonic system was formed in miocene epoch 討論了紅河斷裂剪切方式的轉變過程與巖塊運動的關系,論證了歹字形構造體系形成于約20ma的中新世時期。

Synthesizely contrasted the suonahu formation profile of the northern qiangtang basin and cuoqin basin of miocene epoch , used the intraclast ash rock as the marker bed of the suonahu formation 對羌北盆地和措勤盆地中新世的嗩吶湖組剖面作了綜合對比,將內碎屑灰巖作為嗩吶湖組的標志層。