
minx n.瘋姑娘,頑皮姑娘。


Best place for an ad to catch a woman s eye on a mirror . and when i sent her for molly s paisley shawl to presscott s , by the way that ad i must , carrying home the change in her stocking . clever little minx 有一次我派米莉到普雷斯科特113去取摩莉那條佩斯利披肩對了,我還得安排一下那則廣告,她竟把找給她的零錢塞在襪筒里捎回來了!

And that minx , catherine linton , or earnshaw , or however she was called - she must have been a changeling - wicked little soul 還有那個瘋丫頭,凱瑟琳林敦,或是恩蕭,不管她姓什么吧她一定是個容易變心的惡毒的小靈魂!

But a minx - ish minx 一個嬌小姐

What ' s it doing , minx 它在做什么,梅西

Come here , you little minx 過來,臭丫頭

She can be a proper little minx when she wants to get her own way 她有時為所欲為,要發起壞來可真是個十足的小壞蛋

Minx , take it easy , ok 梅西,放松點兒,別想太多

Come here , you little minx 快過來,你這個小騷貨

Get a nigga minx grab her by the hand 找個黑人小妞抓住她的手

Yeah , course you did , you saucy minx 嗯,當然遇到過,你這個蕩婦

Zoe , you sultry minx , stop falling in love with me 周,你這個風騷女人不要愛上我