
minutiae n.〔pl.〕細節,細目;小節,瑣事。


( 4 ) an algorithm based on ridge fitting for seeking pairs of reference minutiae is presented . it use the algorithm of error diffused by level in the stage of matching minutiae 該算法基于指紋紋線的相似程度尋找一對基準特征點,并且使用誤差分層擴散的方法進行特征點的細匹配。

Then combining with the information of local ridge direction , special algorithms are designed with respect to various noises to delete pseudo minutiae from original minutiae set 并結合局部紋線方向信息,針對不同的噪聲采用針對性的算法,將各類噪聲引起的偽特征點分別予以刪除。

Then , by computing the value of poincare index , we can find the core of the fingerprint . finally , we can fix on the relative positions of the minutiae according to the core 然后采用求poincareindex值的方法確定指紋的中心點,并作為參照點來確定每個特征點相對參照點的位置。

A fast algorithm uses sub section lines to near some functions of arc tangent . in the minutiae matching stage , we improve the minutiae - matching algorithm to degrade the time cost 在指紋特征匹配階段,對原有的基于特征點匹配算法進行了改進,縮短了指紋特征匹配的運行時間。

They are refining the effective area , analyzing quality , segmentation , filtering noise , thinning , refining the minutiae , analyzing reliability and matching of fingerprint image 在本論文中,對指紋圖像的細化做了詳細的論述,并且給出了用于指紋圖像填充的偽語言程序。

Algorithms on fingerprint feature extraction are studied in unit 4 . minutiae can be extracted using our template - matching algorithm . and minutiae extraction algorithm is robust 所使用的特征提取模板匹配算法能夠準確地提取指紋圖像的細節特征,并表現出較強的抗干擾性。

Fingerprint verification module is responsible of acquiring fingerprint - images , pretreating , extracting minutia and putting minutia vector into database by scheduled flight 指紋采集模塊負責指紋的活體采集,并對其進行預處理和特征提取,將其特征向量按航班存入指紋庫。

On the other hand , i shall avoid discussing minutiae and wil not load this essay with fleeting and instantly forgettable references to hundreds of names , topics and titles 另一方面,我將避免談論細節,不會裝載這篇雜文在上百的暫短和立即易被忘記的關于名字、題目和標題。

In minutiae extraction , a 8 - neighborhood ’ s crossing number algorithm is adopted . then we deleted false minutiae directly in post processing of minutiae extraction 特征提取算法采用了八鄰域交叉數法,由于該算法提取出的特征點中含有偽特征,需要進行偽特征消除處理。

Using a variety of complex algorithms , the digitalpersona software determines the coordinates of up to 70 minutiae points and packages the data in a 300 - byte template 數位人格軟體使用各種復雜的演算法來測定多達70個特徵點的座標,將資料封裝成一個300位元組的模板。

This play , along with blood wedding and yerma , forms lorca ' s “ rural trilogy , ” which respectively depicts the tragic minutiae of women ' s lives in spain 此劇與羅卡另外兩部劇作《血婚》 、及《葉瑪》并稱為農村三部曲,分別從不同面向刻畫了西班牙女性的生活悲劇。

So , if you find yourself in the same situation , don t sweat it - it s much more fun to spend time adding cool new features than toying with this sort of minutia 因此,如果發現您的情況一樣,請別緊張將時間花在添加很酷的新功能比花在擺弄這種瑣事上要有趣的多。

Minutiae can be extracted with exactitude by using 8 - neighborhood cross - calculation algorithm , a kind of algorithms featured especially in its ability of anti - jamming 所使用的求取8 -領域交叉數算法能夠準確地提取指紋圖像的細節特征,并表現出較強的抗干擾性。

Fingerprint verification module answer for matching minutia vector of passengers “ fingerprint to those of ticket _ buyers in database to verify passengers “ identity 指紋驗證模塊是將乘客登機時采集的指紋與其指紋庫中的指紋相匹配,確定乘客身份。

Based on rough counting of mechanic fetch pills , the system realized twice electronic minutia counting based on technique of digital image processing 該系統在機械取丸粗計數的基礎上,采用數字圖像處理技術完成了兩次細計數,保證了數丸的高精度。

Fourth , we count the cross number of every pixel in the fingerprint images which have been thinned . through the cross number , we confirm the minutiae feature 對細化后的指紋圖計算每個象素點的交叉點數,確定特征類型,提取指紋的細節特征。

We will introduce the application rules of the method in detail by which the fingerprint minutiae data are embedded and detected in the digital video adaptively 重點介紹了該方法在數字視頻中實現指紋節點數據的自適應嵌入和檢測的應用準則。

Like halakhah , sharia is believed to be ordained by god and its scope to be total , ranging from the loftiest ideals to the minutiae of daily life 象halakhah , shari a應該由god和它的范圍規定是共計,范圍從最崇高的理想對日常生活細節。

Because no need to perform image thinning , the method is more faster and can avoid many spurious minutiae caused by thinning aberrance 由于無需進行圖象細化處理,因此處理速度較快,且可以避免由于細化畸變而產生很多虛假細節點。