
minutely adv.,adj.1.每分鐘(的)。2.時常發生(的)。


Undermentioned frequency is each age paragraph optimal number , exceed or under this data person all belong to owe beautiful : 20 years old of minutely optimal ventilatory frequency ( breathe out whiff is ) it is 18 20 times ; 30 years old are 15 18 times ; 40 years old are 10 15 times ; 50 years old are 8 10 times ; 60 years old are 5 10 times 下述頻率為各年齡段的最佳數,超過或低于該數據者均屬欠佳: 20歲每分鐘最佳呼吸頻率(一呼一吸為一次)為18 20次; 30歲為15 18次; 40歲為10 15次; 50歲為8 10次; 60歲為5 10次。

For the feet that general dct algorithms do no match the precision clauses of ieee 1180 - 1990 , the thesis presents a precision - improved dct algorithm implementation , which measures up to the relative ieee criterions appended as appendix a of h . 263 recommendation , at the same time , promises not slowing down the operation enormously and increasing the complexity minutely . then thesis also presents a basic algorithm for other motion estimation algorithms , which provides a platform on which the others can be operated to speed up the algorithm further 針對一般dct算法不滿足于ieee1180 - 1990精度要求的情況,提出了新的并行高精度dct變換算法,在不顯著增加運算量和算法復雜度的前提下,可以大大提高dct變換算法的精度,使其符合h . 263建議書的附加條款;為其它運動估計算法提出了?個基礎性的改進算法,使其它的運動估計改進算法能夠在此算法基礎上進行操作,從而大大減少了運動估計所需的運算量,進一步提高了運動估計過程的執行速度。

On the diplomatic side , napoleon summons to his presence captain yakovlev , who had been robbed and reduced to rags and did not know how to get out of moscow , expounds to him minutely his whole policy and his magnanimity ; and after writing a letter to the emperor alexander , in which he considers it his duty to inform his friend and brother that rastoptchin had performed his duties very badly in moscow , he despatches yakovlev with it to petersburg 在外交方面,拿破侖把那個遭到搶劫衣衫襤褸不知道怎樣才能逃出莫斯科的雅可夫列夫上尉叫來,詳細地對他說明他的全部政策和他的寬大,并且寄了一封給亞歷山大皇帝的信,他在信中說他有責任通知他的朋友和兄弟,拉斯托普欽在莫斯科把工作做得很糟,然后就打發雅可夫列夫去彼得堡。

By making full use of the systems theory rule of the whole is larger than the addition of all parts , the writer rationally designs a fluently operating working system of service crime precaution . the writer puts emphasis on both macroscopic design and microscopic operation . the writer also sets up four sub - systems of “ the working system of service crime precaution “ , “ the system of service crime striking “ , “ the system of service crime precaution “ , “ the system of service crime precaution education “ and “ the inspecting system of service crime system “ and minutely describes the relations between the four sub - systems 文章既重視“預防職務犯罪工作機制”的整體建構,又重視各子系統機制的微觀操作,具體設計了“打擊職務犯罪機制” 、 “防范職務犯罪機制” 、 “預防職務犯罪教育機制” 、 “預防職務犯罪督查機制”四個子系統機制,深刻闡明了它們之間相互依存、相互作用、相互影響的關系,并且分別從機制的建設、機制的運行、機制的維護三個角度對“預防職務犯罪工作機制”及其四個子系統機制進行了詳盡的論述。

All of these lay a foundation for next part of the papers . in the next part , the article defines building as the enterprise incubator , makes an induction of common formation , and minutely analyses the internal factors , which affect design and constructioa according to these , ihe article sums up design content of office region , experiment region and information sustainment - system , then , gives a piece of option on building modeling design and landscape design . in the end , the paper brings forward some design principle and method through analyzing cases 論文接著對“企業孵化器建筑”進行界定,歸納其常見形態,詳細分析了影響“企業孵化器建筑”設計和建設的內在原因,對常見“企業孵化器建筑”的研發辦公區、中試實驗區以及信息支持系統的設計內容進行分析和初步總結,對其建筑造型和環境景觀設計提出了看法,并結合部分實例以便讀者形成直觀印象,最后提出了設計“企業孵化器建筑”的原則和途徑。

Aiming at the current flourish tide of electronic commerce , this article discusses electronic commerce at length from the views of theory and practice . starting with conceiving an application system of electronic commerce - - - “ bookshop online “ , this article analyses the feasibility of the system , then minutely layouts the design thoughts , goals and the system holistic framework , in succession roundly researches various knowledge and technique which is indispensable to construct an electronic commerce network . with this understanding , the author applies the above - mentioned theories and technique to the system and accomplishes the construction of shopping platform of the bookshop online 論文首先全面而系統地研究了構建一個電子商務網站所必備的各種知識與技術手段,接著從構建一個電子商務應用系統? ?網上書店入手,首先對系統的可行性進行了分析,然后對系統的設計思想、設計目標與系統的整體結構進行了詳細的規劃,在此基礎上將上述理論知識與開發技術運用到系統的實現過程當中,完成了網上書店購物平臺的構建過程。

Firstly , the mechanism of the preparation of superfine quartz powder with ball mill is studied in this article , based on nature of quartz material , griffith ' s strength theory and the crush theory of planetary ball mill . the problem of granulation during the process of the preparation of superfine quartz powder is studied minutely . and proposed increasing dispersant and disperser medium to restrain granulation , and dispersing use ultrasonic after milled 首先,本文結合石英材料的基本物性,以格里菲斯強度理論和行星式球磨機的粉碎原理為基礎,研究了球磨法制備超細石英粉體的機理,同時對粉石英制備過程中的團聚問題及其控制作了細致的研究,提出粉磨過程中增加分散劑和分散介質來抑制團聚,粉磨后采用超聲法進行分散,并確定了最佳分散劑、分散介質的用量和最佳超聲分散時間。

It minutely discussed the problem of the core ability of the enterprise and virtual - enterprise . it analyzed the form of the core ability and characteristic of theproperty management enteiprise that based on character , char - acteristicand function . it elucidated how to train the method of the core ability ofthe property management and how to enhance it 論文參考了大量文獻資料,詳細論述了企業的核心能力及虛擬企業的有關問題,并結合物業管理企業的性質、特點及功能,分析了物業管理企業的核心能力組成及特點,闡述了物業管理企業核心能力的培養方法及提高企業核心能力的途徑。

But incorrect use or do not insist to use condom to be able to make its prevent the effect to be reduced greatly , clinical go up to often venereal patient an account in one ' s own words used condom to be returned venereal , examine minutely carefully , it is to be used sometimes so , sometimes need not , had produced surge , burst even , also have a plenty of just wear before ejaculation , the opportunity that these incorrect practices are existing to affect 但不正確使用或不堅持使用避孕套可使其預防效果大大降低,臨床上常有性病病人自述使用避孕套還得了性病,仔細追問,原來是有時用,有時不用,甚至發生過滑脫、破裂,也有的是在射精前才戴,這些不正確的做法都存在著感染的機會。

The paper deduced the seal torque of the tri - eccentric butterfly valve and gave it a qualitative analysis . the results indicated : for the tri - eccentric butterfly valve with the same caliber , theseal torque would decrease with the butterfly disc thickness increasing ; the seal torque would increase with the radial eccentricity increasing ; however , the axis eccentricity effected on the seal torque minutely ; the seal torque would increase with the half cone angle increasing appreciably of the cone which the butterfly disc belonged to 本文還對三偏心蝶閥的密封力矩作了推導并進行了定性的分析,結果表明,對于同一口徑的三偏心蝶閥,密封力矩與蝶板的厚度近似成反比;與徑向偏心距近似成正比,變化也很明顯;而軸向偏心距對密封力矩的影響不是很大;密封力矩隨著蝶板所在的圓錐半錐角的增大而有所增加。

Firstly , we reduced the influence of the phase difference of daily variation on the correlation caused by the disagreement of the longitude of the observatories by using delay technique , and found that the delay technique can extend the selecting range of the longitude of the reference observatories , which is considered one of the advantages the digital geomagnetic data of minutely value have 首先分析了延時技術消除臺站經度不一致造成的日變化相位差異對相關運算的影響,發現延時技術可降低相位差異的干擾,拓展參考臺在經度方面的選擇范圍,并認為這是分鐘值數字地磁資料優勢之一。

This dissertation is meant to combine the theory of stochastic processes and the theory of fuzzy sets to find some new methods of system modeling , analysis and control by describe uncertainty more minutely , and then to balance the optimization and the robustness 本文的目的是綜合運用隨機過程和模糊集合論的方法,通過更加精細地刻畫系統不確定性,探索具有模糊隨機不確定性的系統建模、分析和控制的新方法,并期望在最優性與魯棒性之間尋求比較好的結合點。

She enquired into charlotte s domestic concerns familiarly and minutely , and gave her a great deal of advice as to the management of them all ; told her how every thing ought to be regulated in so small a family as her s , and instructed her as to the care of her cows and her poultry 她毫不客氣地仔細問著夏綠蒂的家常,又給她提供了一大堆關于料理家務的意見。她告訴夏綠蒂說,象她這樣的一個小家庭,一切事情都應該精密安排,又指教她如何照料母牛和家禽。

They are globose , subglobose , oblate and prolate in shape . the germination apertures are absent , or present and are irregularly poroid , 3 - colpate , 4 - colpate , 3 - 4 - colpate , pantocolpate and 3 - colporate . the exine ornamentation is spinulose , tuberculate , variously striate , striate - foveolate , striate - reticulate , rugose - sinuate , minutely reticulate and reticulate 條紋網狀、皺波狀、細網狀和網狀c溝膜近光滑、具小顆粒、具小刺狀突起或具瘤狀突起。

From angle of esthetic feather of pan jin - lian ' s language , the paper minutely analyzes and appraises the pan jin - lian ' s individuality , image , destiny and the reflection of temporal social , which is a window for people who studies and appreciates jin ping mei 本文以潘金蓮語言個性化的獨特審美視角,就潘金蓮這個典型人物的個性、形象、命運的描摹及其典型形象對社會的燭照進行了詳細的剖析、評價,這為人們研究、鑒賞《金瓶梅》洞開了一扇窗戶。

Apprised in time of the visit paid him , monte cristo had , from behind the blinds of his pavilion , as minutely observed the baron , by means of an excellent lorgnette , as danglars himself had scrutinized the house , garden , and servants 此時,基督山已經看到了男爵,他一得到男爵來訪的通知,就從他樓上的百葉窗里,用一副上等的劇場看演出時用的望遠鏡。把對方研究了一番,其觀察之細密并不亞于騰格拉爾對他房屋,花園和仆人的制服的觀察。

Cymes 1 - 2 in axil of leaves , rather short ; flowers pale green , 7 mm in diam . , 5 - merous ; sepals imbricate , inner two larger ; petals suborbicular , 3 mm long ; stamens without filaments ; pistil without style , stigma appressed , minutely 5 - lobed 聚傘花序1 - 2腋生,短小;花淡綠色,直徑約7毫米; 5數;萼片覆瓦狀排列,內方2片較大,邊緣常有深色細淺齒;花瓣近圓形,長約3毫米;雄蕊無花絲;雌蕊無花柱,柱頭平貼,微5裂。

As the existence modality of human natural goes , the human and law are selfsame in nature . it is the human beauty behind the aesthetics of law . the aesthetics of law is just to examine the life significance minutely basing on the point of the life being and spirits existence 如果說法美學本體論研究的是內在美,那么“法之美”的外在美,就體現在法的價值美、情感美、規則美、形式美和秩序美等層面上。

It minutely expatiated the problem of the bpr including the needs , the principia , the types , the essential and the method . it roundly discussed the course of successful bpr and information technology ( it ) applied to bpr 深刻闡述了業務流程重組( bpr )的必要性、原則、類型、實施要點和方法、成功的業務流程重組( bpr )所必須的幾個階段以及it技術在業務流程重組( bpr )中的應用。