uploads/minute hand.jpg

minute hand (鐘表的)分針,長針。

minute mark

Deep city is swelled drop before limitation is carried out , trade since day , the means of computation of price of closing quotation of every negotiable securities that announces everyday is : last minutes every clinch a deal price clinchs a deal assembly of last minutes hands in quantitative price of the closing quotation that measure and deep city are different , shanghai city negotiable securities finishing stroke clinchs a deal that day valence is closing quotation price 深市漲跌限制實施前?交易日起,天天公布的每只證券收盤價計算方式為:最后一分鐘每筆成交價格成交數量最后一分鐘的總成交量收盤價與深市不一樣,滬市當日證券最后一筆成交價為收盤價。

Third , the forth of bibliographic categories minute hand does not yet there is to our country below bank the person who buys moreover the law the situation , how utilizing the bank surely to enter system , the norm foreign capital bank is living that our country marketplace is surely enter reaching buing the advance side by side row to expound 第三、四部分針對我國尚沒有銀行購并法的情況下,如何運用銀行準入制度來規范外資銀行在我國的市場準入及購并進行了論述。第五部分針對我夠目前銀行法制的現狀,對制定我國的銀行購并法提出了建議。

Overlap between the second hand and minute hand , or the 11th overlap between the minute hand and hour hand , which is 12 hours later . actually it is easy to see this must be one of the answers . but it is a bit surprising that they simply do not overlap at other times 天文學家斯特格及奧爾特在1950年提出在太陽以外五萬個天文單位的地方,有一個包圍著太陽系,以太陽為中心旋轉的云團,我們所見的長周期彗星,就是從這個彗星云又稱為奧爾特云而來,估計那里有1 , 000億顆彗星,其總質量比地球質量小,繞太陽公轉一周需時數百萬年。

At this point of the housekeeper s story , she chanced to glance towards the timepiece over the chimney ; and was in amazement on seeing the minute hand measure half past one 管家把故事講到這里,偶然向煙囪上的時鐘瞅了一眼:出乎她的意料,時針已指到一點半。

Age 3 + ) geared clock ' s digital display keeps pace as you move the minute hand ! colour - coded sliding shutters provide a self - check 適合三歲或以上)大小時鐘均由齒輪推動,只要移動分針,時針便會自動跟著走,時鐘頂部的發條還會告訴你另一種顯示時間的方式。

The minute hand of a clock is 20cm , how many centimeters is the distance which the minute hand runs along the clock once 一只掛鐘的分鐘長20厘米,這根分鐘的尖端轉一周所走的路程是多少厘米?

The big minute hand did not move . we waited and waited , but nothing happened 那根巨大的分針不動了。我們等來等去,但一點兒動靜也沒有。

His conversation does not show the minute hand , but he strikes the hour very correctly 他的談話顯不出分針,但他的時針卻敲得很準

A watch ( 手表 ) has three hands - - the second hand , minute hand and hour hand 物質名詞,一只手表有三個指針,秒針,分針和時針。

The minute hand moved on 時鐘的針繼續向前走著。

A watch have three hand - - the second hand , minute hand and hour hand 手表有三根指針秒針,分針和時針。

A watch has three hands - - the second hand , minute hand and hour hand 手表有三根指針- -秒針、分針和時針。

So how about the minute hand and hour hand 甚么是奧爾特云oort cloud ?

Both the hour hand and the minute hand pointed to twelve 時針和分針都指著12 。

The big minute hand did not move . 那根巨大的分針不動了。