
minute 短語和例子minute1n.1.分〔一小時或一度的1/6...

minute bell

She sat down dazed for a few minutes . 她坐了下來,一連幾分鐘感到眼花繚亂。

Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes . 和好面糊,擱二十分鐘。

Please go ahead. i won't be a minute . 請頭里走,我馬上就來。

They crept on for a few minutes in silence . 她們在沉默中緩緩地走了幾分鐘。

Next minute they are at the door . 再過一分鐘他們就到大門口。

She came by my house for a few minutes . 她到我家坐了幾分鐘。

He can discriminate minute variations in tone . 他能辨別出音調的細微變化。

She was here less than five minutes . 她呆了沒有五分鐘就走了。

The half-life of francium is 22 minutes . 鈁的半衰期是22分鐘。

I had to shake him for a solid minute . 我整整花了一分鐘的時間才把他推醒。

The fosters petrified for two minutes . 福斯脫夫婦呆若木雞地坐了兩分來鐘。

Half a minute brought it all out . 半分鐘工夫就把一切弄明白了。

Let me rest my weary bones for a minute . 讓我疲乏的身子稍稍休息一下吧。

We had been trapped for only twelve minutes . 我們被包圍只不過十二分鐘。

Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes . 把布浸在染料里20分鐘。

The call came through in twenty minutes . 電話20分鐘后便接通了。

He was wasting the precious minutes . 他在浪費這寶貴的分分秒秒。

He enjoyed every minute of his holiday . 假日的每一分鐘他都過得很愉快。

The earthquake continued for about two minutes . 地震持續了大約兩分鐘。