
minuscule n.= miniscule.


There seem to be a confusion between the vatican city state , the minuscule state that exists only since 1929 , and the holy see ( of rome ) , which is the entity which is active in all international relationships except those of a clearly territorial nature , such as membership of upu ( universal postal union ) , intelsat , cept and unidroit ( international institute for the unification of private law ) 人們似乎混淆了梵蒂岡城市以及這個國家的關系,這個最小的國家成立于1929年,羅馬圣堂是一個實體,活躍在所有的國際關系中除了那些有明確領土的自然界,比如萬國郵聯,國際衛星通訊機構,以及國際統一私法協會的成員。

If the plane has empty seats , the cost of adding one more passenger is minuscule , although the average cost of flying a passenger is 500 , the marginal cost is merely the cost of the bag of peanuts and can of soda that the extra passenger will consume 如果飛機有空的座位,每增加一個乘客成本就會更小,盡管每位飛行乘客的平均成本是500美元,邊緣的價格僅僅是乘客將額外消費的花生和罐裝汽水的價格

If the plane has empty seats , the cost of adding one more pa enger is minuscule , although the average cost of flying a pa enger is 500 , the marginal cost is merely the cost of the bag of peanuts and can of soda that the extra pa enger will co ume 如果飛機有空的座位,每增加一個乘客成本就會更小,盡管每位飛行乘客的平均成本是500美元,邊緣的價格僅僅是乘客將額外消費的花生和罐裝汽水的價格

Researchers may well develop nanostructures as electronic components , but the most important applications could be quite different : for example , biologists might use nanometer - scale particles as minuscule sensors to investigate cells 研究人員致力于發展奈米結構,或許是為了要制作電子元件,但最重要的應用卻可能大為不同:例如,生物學家可能會用奈米粒子做為探測細胞的微小感測器。

With only a minuscule percentage of shipments inspected , they say the nation is vulnerable to harm from abroad , where rules and regulations governing food production are often more lax than they are at home 專家們稱由于對進口食品的檢測比例很小,而且(其他國家)管理出口食品生產的法律法規通常比其國內的(法律法規)松得多,所以美國更容易受到國外食品的危害。

On my last holiday in the bahamas , as i walked along the beach feeling the gentle waves wash over my feet , i felt part of universe , even if only a minuscule one , like a grain of sand on the beach 上次到巴哈馬度假期間,我沿著海灘漫步,海浪輕輕撫揉著我的雙腳,此時此刻,我驀然覺得自己與整個宇宙融為一體,盡管我顯得微不足道,就像海灘上的一粒沙子。

From these minuscule shifts , the team estimated that the planet is about three times the mass of jupiter , and orbits its star at a distance slightly greater than that between mars and the sun 從這些極小的變化中,他所在的工作小組估測這顆行星的質量是木星的三倍,它的軌道距離恒星的距離比火星到太陽的距離略長。

The result is a semiconductor nanocrystal , or , in the talk of the trade , a “ quantum dot . ” like nanoscale magnetic crystals , these minuscule dots have much to offer biomedical researchers 一如奈米尺度的磁性顆粒,這些量子點對生物醫學的研究者可是有很大的用處。

Minuscule though they are in the planetary scale , asteroids constitute a unique family in our solar system that furnishes far more surprises than we could have anticipated 盡管小行星細小昏暗,微不足道,但它們是太陽系中獨特的成員,隱藏著不少令人吃驚的秘密。

Even before the proliferation crisis , the international crisis group , a think - tank , concluded from research in china that its food aid was minuscule 即使在此次核擴散危機之前,智庫“國際危機組織”通過在中國開展研究后認為,中國所提供的糧食援助極少。

The minuscule pores keep the thinly spread catalyst in place and create the large surface area needed to break down the fuel effectively 這些極小的小孔使分布稀薄的催化劑保持在原位上,并且能留出有效分解這種燃料所需的盡量大的表面積。

Even before the proliferation crisis , the international crisis group , a think - tank , concluded from research in china that its food aid was minuscule 然而,去年世界糧食署進行的一項居家調查并沒有找到任何來自中國的谷物。

The fact is , of the thousands of podcasts available online , only a small , no 1 ) minuscule , 2 ) fraction is profitable 事實是這樣的,在網路連得到的成千上萬播客中,僅有一小部分(不至于到微乎其微的地步)是有盈利的。

Today ' s earpieces may give way to smaller devices hidden in earrings or worn as minuscule patches on the skin near the ear 今天的耳機會被淘汰,取而代之的可能是隱藏在耳朵里的更小設備或者貼在你耳旁皮膚上的小片。

As a man who spent time during world war ii on a minuscule south pacific island , i recognized the symptoms of acute homesickness 二戰時我曾在南太平洋的一個小島上呆過,所以,我能聽出他極切地思念著家鄉。

After all , what business does a large creature like an elephant have to fear from a minuscule mouse 說到底,一個像大象這樣的大家伙,究竟為什么要害怕像小老鼠這樣一個小不點兒呢?

Daimlerchrysler said it would start selling its minuscule two - seater cars in the united states from 2008 戴姆勒?克萊斯勒集團稱,它將從2008年起開始在美國出售其微型雙座轎車。

This deposit contains tiny soft - bodied adult sponges and cnidarians as well as minuscule eggs and embryos 此沉積中存有微小的成熟海綿及刺絲胞動物,還有極微小的卵與胚。

100 femtometers : at this incredible and minuscule size we could observe the nuceous of the atom 100飛米(毫微微米) :在這個小的難以想象的空間,我們可以看到原子核。