
minuet n.(17世紀興起的三拍子)小步舞(曲)。


Atlas of stress distribution and graphs of stress concentration factor ( scf ) were obtained . the atlas and the graphs showed that the scf at the joint crease nonlinearly with the accretion of r / r and the minuet of t / t 結果表明連接點處有明顯的應力集中,并且這種應力集中是隨著開孔率增大和厚度比減小呈現非線性增長的。

But the way in which information will be generated and shared may involve so many parties that the minuet will turn into a punk rock concert 然而,創造和共享信息的方法在將來也許會牽涉到更多方,到那時,米哀奴舞曲就會變成龐克搖滾音樂會。

No , that s noise . minuet of don giovanni he s playing now . court dresses of all descriptions in castle chambers dancing 在城堡那一間間大廳里翩翩起舞的宮廷那五顏六色的服飾,外面卻是悲慘的莊稼人,他們饑腸轆轆,面帶菜色,吃的是酸模葉子。

It is full of good advice about how to conduct both distributive and integrative bargaining minuets so that all parties come out ahead 關于如何引導分配交易以及綜合交易順利進行從而使得各方提前邁出困境,它給出了很多很好的提議。

The pupils laughed at the sight of their teacher dancing a minuet in the yard 小學生們一看到他們的老師在院子里跳小舞步都笑起來了。

In fifteen minuets i was fast asleep 十五分鐘內我已經睡得很熟了。