
minuend n.【數學】被減數 (opp. subtrahend)。


An arithmetically negative carry . it occurs in performing subtraction when the subtrahend is larger than the minuend in a particular digit position 一種算術負進位,它出現在某一特定的數位上減數大于被減數的減法運算中。

Look at the minuend and subtrahend . they both add or subtract the same number . the differences are the same 小結:被減數減少(或增加) ,減數也作相應的減少(或增加) ,差不變。

When the final borrow is 1, the minuend is reentered into the divided storage register . 當最后借位為1時,將被減數重新存入被除數存貯寄存器。

When you subtract two numbers, you subtract a subtrahend from a minuend . 當你作兩個數的減法時,你用一個被減數去減另一個減數。