
minstrel n.1.(中世的)吟游詩人。2.〔詩〕詩人,樂人,歌手,...


The ponderous pundit , hugh machugh , dublin s most brilliant scribe and editor , and that minstrel boy of the wild wet west who is known by the euphonious appellation of the o madden burke . after an interval mr dedalus raised his grog and 包括都柏林最有才華的新聞記者兼編輯堂堂的飽學之士休麥克休,和那位生在荒蕪多雨的西部以奧馬登伯克這一動聽的稱呼聞名的少年吟游詩人。

The minstrel , a journal of chopins time , wrote : he is the sylph of the piano , attached to this mortal world by the merest touch of a finger and nourished by dreams from on high . listen to chopin play 蕭邦時代的游方音樂家the minstrel雜志曾形容蕭邦:他是鋼琴之神,僅僅藉由指尖之觸存在于娑婆世界,并藉著神游高境界來長養生命。

But now bring me a minstrel . and it came to pass , when the minstrel played , that the hand of the lord came upon him 15現在你們給我找一個彈琴的來。彈琴的時候,耶和華的靈(原文作手)就降在以利沙身上。

One of the urchins ran to it , picked it up and dropped it into the minstrel s cap , saying 一個頑童朝這枚硬幣跑去,拾了起來,把它投進這位歌手的便帽時,嘴里說著:

Alfred the great acted as his own spy , visiting danish camps disgused as a minstrel 阿爾佛雷德作為自己的偵探,偽裝成一個歌手,成功潛入了丹麥人的營地。

The minstrel ' s songs that increase group attack speed or damage per second have their values increase 使詩人歌曲所增加攻擊速度或攻擊傷害數值提升。

No money , on my faith , but the gleek ; i will give you the minstrel 我可不給你們錢,哼!我要給你們一頓罵;我罵你們是一群賣唱的叫化子。

Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show 打拍者巡游演出中站在一端敲擊骨制或木制響板的人

The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him 這名吟游詩人在全國游歷,吟唱他自己寫的詩歌。

The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town , and made a sensation 一流的黑人演奏隊來到了這個小鎮,引起了轟動。

Lay of the last minstrel he thought it was . see blank tee what domestic animal 他認為答案是最末一個游吟詩人之歌247 。

The minstrel has been to many places before he came here 在來到這里之前,這個吟游詩人已經去過很多地方。

The king and queen always had minstrels play at their feasts 國王和王后總是要音樂家在宴會上表演。

In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere 他扮作吟游歌手到丹麥軍隊的營地里偵察。

Narrator and minstrel - the historical romance and poems on history 論歷史演義與詠史詩

They hired a minstrel for her birthday party 他們為她的生日晚會請了一個藝人。

Alfred the great acted as his own spy , visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel . 阿爾弗雷德大帝曾親自充當間諜,他假扮成一個吟游詩人到丹麥的軍營去。

A strong love has sprung up between the minstrel and the king . 于是吟游詩人與國王之間就產生了深厚的感情。

The young minstrel had a rare, rich voice . 這個青年歌手有一幅稀有的嘹亮嗓音。