
minster n.修道院附屬禮拜堂;大教堂。


Speaker : the resulting action , known now by all the world , has marked sunday . september the third , 1939 , as a date to be long remembered . at eleven - fifteen this morning the prime minster , speaking to the nation from number ten downing street , announced that great britain is at war with germany . meanwhil the london public are earnestly reminded of the emergency orders already issued . no light of any descrption should be visible after blackout time . no dogs or cats will be allowed to roam the streets after dark and it should be remembered that pets will not be permitted in public air raid shelters . gas masks and warm clothing should be placed at hand before retiring and it is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos would be of great comfort to small children who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour . every effort should be made to quiet the nerves of those children who still remain in london despite the evacuation which will continre until a late hour this evening 揚聲器:現在全世界都知道了,一會最后的決議標志著1939年9月3日星期日將成為一個永遠值得紀念的日子,今天上午11點15分,首相在唐寧街10號向全國宣布英國對德國宣戰,在次我們提醒倫敦市民認真遵守已發布的緊急狀態命令:在燈火管制時間里不得有任何燈光,天黑以后不得有狗貓在街上游蕩.并且切記在公共防空洞里不得有寵物.睡覺前應將防毒面具和于寒衣物放在順手的地方,我們建議暖瓶中都沖好熱水或飲料,這對安定在非常?不得不被叫醒的兒童非常有溢.應該盡量穩定那些仍留在倫敦的兒童的情緒.疏散工作將繼續進行.直到深夜

On october 10th 1999 there was a ministerial change when the minster of finance was sacked , followed by an intensive investigation of customs violations covering several ports and customs zones all over the country 1999年10月10日,財務部部長被撤換后,部長架構重整。本國隨即在全國數個港口及海關區,對違反海關規例的行為,展開密集的調查。

In early september 2003 , secretary snow of the u . s . treasury department visited beijing and met with the chinese finance minster jin renqing and governor zhou xiaochuan of the people s bank of china 曾于2003年9月初訪問北京,同中國財政部長金人慶和中國人民銀行行長周小川舉行了會晤。

I thought this was outrageous , and wrote several letters to the minster of education , who expressed no concern that workshop leaders hired by his ministry were making such recommendations 他得不到回應,所以公開發表意見,提醒家長關注這種情況,他也因此被取銷教師資格。

Bernard kouchner , france ' s foreign minster , starts first middle east tour with palestine ' s mahmoud abbas to prepare for upcoming mideast peace talks 法國外交部長柏納?庫施納展開了首次的中東之旅,他會晤巴勒斯坦總理阿巴斯,以準備即將到來的中東和平會談。

They demanded that president mahmoud abbas act against hamas in gaza and called for the death of prime minster ismail haniyeh , a member of hamas 他們要求巴民族權力機構主席阿巴斯反對哈馬斯,并呼吁處死哈馬斯領導人、巴民族聯合政府總理哈尼亞。

Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis , winston churchill , his first lord of admiralty took over as prime minster in 1940 張伯倫在危急關頭不能領導國家,因此他的首相溫斯頓。邱吉爾于1940年接替首相職位。

Israeli prime minster ariel sharon says he believes conditions are right for historic progress toward peace with the palestinians 以色列總理沙龍說,他相信(目前的)情況有利于與巴勒斯坦人民一起向和平取得歷史性的進步

Ingushetia ' s deputy interior minster , dzhabrail kostoyev , died in the attack wednesday morning near nazran , the region ' s main city 印古什內務部副部長科斯妥耶夫星期三上午在印古什主要城市納茲蘭發生的襲擊中喪生。

While in beijing the first minster will also be celebrating the opening of standard life s first office in the city 行政院院長在北京期間,還將參加標準人壽保險公司( standard life )在北京首家辦事處的開幕典禮。

Though wimbourne does not exist in modern britain , there is a wimborne minster - a small town on the southern coast of england 雖然溫伯恩在現代英國中并不存在,但是在英格蘭南海岸有一個名叫溫伯恩明斯特的小鎮。

Israeli prime minster ariel sharon says he believes conditions are right for historic progress toward peace with the palestinians 以色列總理沙龍說,他相信這些條件會對巴以間歷史性的和平進程有利。

In 1964 this developed into an independent control organization , known as the aca , reporting directly to the prime minster 1964年,行政監管科成為獨立監管機構,名為行政監管局,直接向總理匯報。

Anyone expecting sweeping political reforms to follow prime minster noboru takeshita ' s resignation is in for disappointment 任何人寄望竹下登首相辭職以后政治上會有全盤改革,一定會感到失望。

Iranian foreign minster says the one woman among the group could be released later wednesday or thursday 伊朗外長說,這15人當中唯一的女性星期三晚些時候或是星期四就會獲得釋放。

I don ' t know all the ins and outs of this matter , but it seems the prime minster has made a serious mistake 我不知道事情的來龍去脈,但是看來首相是犯了嚴重的錯誤。

However , british prime minster tony blair says the video of the sailor ' s apology is not fooling anyone 然而,英國首相布萊爾表示錄象中士兵的道歉并沒有欺騙大家。

Recent years have seen increasing uk - china co - operation . the visit of prime minster blair to china 比如說,如果想在中國經商,就必須了解中國的語言和文化。

The event was held at no 10 and was witnessed by the prime minster and deputy prime minister 簽字儀式在唐寧街10號進行,首相與副首相也到場參加。