
minsk n.明斯克〔白俄羅斯城市〕。


A feature of the minsk session of the collective security council , held on june 22 - 23 , 2006 , was the participation in its work of president islam karimov , who announced the restoration of the participation of the republic of uzbekistan in the collective security treaty of may 15 , 1992 , and the commencement of the appropriate procedure for joining the csto 俄中高度重視加強亞太地區的安全與合作,保障這一地區所有國家的穩定和順利發展。雙方重申,愿繼續努力,在亞太地區建立符合地區特點的合作機制,確保地區穩定與安全,并與其他國家和地區組織開展協作。

Its pivotal element is the recognition of the need to provide optimal balance between the objective requirements in renewal and the necessity of preserving the positive achievements we already have . the cis minsk summit adopted a decision to develop by june 1 , 2007 a cis further development concept based on the eminent persons group report and proposals from states 十年來,俄中關系經歷了從相互視為友好國家、建立建設性伙伴關系直至確立戰略協作伙伴關系的歷史進程,雙方通過共同努力建立起合作的最佳模式,使兩國關系步入平穩發展軌道。

Until last year they were criticised for coddling mr lukashenka with preferential gas terms ? and belarus ' s re - export of duty - free russian oil was , as one foreign observer in minsk puts it , an obvious “ scam ” 去年以前,人們一直批評俄羅斯人在天然氣問題上明顯關照盧卡申科,讓他享受了不少特惠政策? ?而且,正如明斯克一位外國觀察家指出,白俄羅斯轉手輸出俄羅斯的免稅石油(對俄羅斯而言)是一種明顯的“欺詐行為” 。

Within 700 km , there are 8 european capitals around kielce - berlin in germany , vienna in austria , prague in czech , minsk in belarus , kyiv in ukraine , bratislava in slovakia , vilnius in lithuania and budapest in hungry 其周邊700公里內就輻射到了八個國家的首都? ?德國柏林、奧地利維也納、捷克布拉格、白俄羅斯明斯克、烏克蘭基輔、斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉發、立陶宛維爾紐斯、匈牙利布達佩斯。

In minsk this week mr lukashenka hosted a summit of the commonwealth of independent states ? a forum for all ex - soviet countries , bar the baltic three , that many now privately think is redundant 本周在明斯克,盧卡申科總統主持了一個獨聯體聯邦的高級領導人峰會? ?這是一個后蘇聯時代的獨聯體國家領導人論壇,但是沒有波羅的海三國參加,因為許多人現在都認為他們是多余的。

The cis council of heads of government in minsk on november 24 , 2006 , adopted a protocol decision on the work to organize and ensure the fund s activities . several expert meetings were dedicated to these questions in 2006 為鞏固俄中邊境地區的安寧與穩定,保障兩國邊民的經濟利益,雙方重申,本著公正平等、互諒互讓的原則,盡快徹底解決兩國歷史遺留的邊界問題。

Until last year they were criticised for coddling mr lukashenka with preferential gas terms ? and belarus ' s re - export of duty - free russian oil was , as one foreign observer in minsk puts it , an obvious “ scam ” 直到去年,他們因以天然氣優惠條款庇護盧卡申科總統而飽受批評白俄羅斯再出口免稅的俄羅斯石油被一位在明斯克外國觀察家冠以一個明顯的“騙局“ 。

Administrative districts : belarus consists of six oblasts ( regions ) and the capital ( minsk ) . the regions are divided into rayons ( districts ) , which themselves are divided into towns , villages , cities , and settlements 行政區劃:白俄羅斯劃分為六個州和一個州級市(首都:明斯克) 。州下設區,區下設若干個城鎮和住宅區。

After voldemort ' s return , albus dumbledore sent rubeus hagrid and olympe maxime , both half - giants , to the mountains northeast of minsk ( probably the urals ) , as envoys to the eighty or so giants that live there 有一段時間,巨人在巫師世界中是必須考慮的一股勢力? ?一度在全球各地至少有一百個不同的部落。

Like the kiev , the minsk ( berthed near hong kong ) has been turned into a tourist attraction having first been studied closely by chinese naval engineers 同“基輔”一樣, “明克斯” (停靠在香港附近)如今也成為了旅游景點,之前中國海軍的工程師對它進行了密切的研究。

Igor azaryonok said tuesday in minsk that his country does not have the types of weapons the u . s . missile defense systems are designed to destroy 阿扎里耶諾科星期二在明斯克說,白俄羅斯沒有美國導彈防御系統設計摧毀的武器類型。

But his plight can only add to the impression , widely held west of minsk , that russia is an increasingly dark place 不過,他的病癥只會加深明斯克以西的國家普遍持有的印象,那就是俄羅斯正日漸成為一片不見天日的暗黑之地。

It also served in various other operations in poland , hungary , minsk and a small number also defended berlin in april and may 1945 它還參加了波蘭、匈牙利、明斯克等地的戰斗,其中一少部分參加了柏林保衛戰。

In 1998 the minsk was purchased from a south korean shipbreaking company by the minsk aircraft carrier industry company , a chinese firm 明斯克是1998年從韓國購買了明斯克號航空母艦拆船公司化工公司中國堅定

Thousands of people responded to an appeal by the opposition and gathered on “ october square ” in the belarussian capital of minsk 數千人響應反對派號召,群聚首都明斯克的十月廣場。

Belarus soldiers of special troops abseil from a helicopter during exercises in minsk , 21 june 2007 2007年6月21日,明斯克軍事演習中,白俄羅斯特種部隊從直升飛機上滑降突襲。

Phoebe : oh , you are so going to minsk . you belong in minsk . you can ' t stay here just ’ cause of me 哦,你真的應該去明斯克。你屬于明斯克,你不能僅僅因為我就留在這里。

In september 2000 the ship was moved to shenzhen to become part of a theme park called minsk world 2000年9月被移到深圳艦成為一個主題公園名為明斯克世界

Last decenber the boys near minsk came and asked for it and we gave it to them 上年臘月臨近明斯克的幾個弟兄們到這兒來要那(張報紙) ,我們就給了他們了。