
minotaur n.【希臘神話】人身牛頭怪物。


An outlandish delegate sustained against both these views with such heat as almost carried conviction the theory of copulation between women and the males of brutes , his authority being his own avouchment in support of fables such as that of the minotaur which the genius of the elegant latin poet has handed down to us in the pages of his metamorphoses 某異國使節則駁斥上述意見,以熱切而堅信不疑之口吻曰: “此乃女子與雄獸交媾所生者。 ”其根據則為優雅拉丁詩人憑其才華在變形記中所傳至今之彌諾陶洛斯之類神話。

Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning , but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger , bulkier males 作為一個牛頭怪角斗士,安騅亞憑借其金屬絲般的力量和極端的詭詐贏得過一些勝利,但她知道自己很快就會被某個更加強大的男性殺死。

Some might ally with members of another evil race ( ogres , minotaurs , goblins ) , but such an alliance is for the sake of convenience , not out of trust or respect 有些卡帕克龍人會同其他邪惡種族的成員結盟(食人魔、牛頭人、地精) ,但這樣的聯盟是由于實際利益而并非是出自信任或者尊重。

I hear erdon ' s breath of relief - can this be true ? i risk opening one eye - the silhouette was of a minotaur , a scout of quenn mutare 突然,地上出現了一些模糊的印跡,就好象從虛無中出現的。艾登舉起他的手,準備命令馬各射擊。我閉上了眼睛? ?看不見會讓我覺得危險小一些。

I hear erdon ' s breath of relief - can this be true ? i risk opening one eye - the silhouette was of a minotaur , a scout of quenn mutare 我聽到艾登的呼吸平靜下來了? ?難道夢想成真了?我試著張開了一只眼睛? ?一個牛頭人的側像。他是摩麗爾女王的一個探子。

His bold raids have brought back more wealth than three other minotaurs combined , and he has defeated countless challengers in feats of strength 他大肆掠奪帶回的財富比任何其他三個牛頭怪加起來還多,而在比試力量的競技上,他打敗過無數的挑戰者。

They accepted the sacrifice but they had their own ideas about the reciprocal gift , and gave the warlock some fighters - - minotaurs and blood witches 她們接受了祭品,但是卻有她們自己的想法,賜予了妖術士一些戰士,牛頭怪和血腥魔女。

She ' s highly respected among minotaur society , and feared because she somehow knows everyone ' s darkest secrets and isn ' t afraid to expose them 她在牛頭怪社會中倍受尊敬和畏懼,因為她知道每個人最黑暗的秘密并隨時會將其公之于眾。

This was not by chance , it is the town of minotaurs , and the dark ones kept it whole so they could replenish their army with minotaur slaves 這絕非偶然,因為鎮上住著牛頭怪,黑暗精靈們可以用這些奴隸充實軍隊。

Greek mythology ) a hero noted for his many great deeds : killed procrustes and the minotaur and defeated the amazons (希臘神話)一位建立了許多偉業的英雄;殺死普羅克汝斯忒斯和人身牛頭怪并擊敗亞馬孫人。

Now , she accepts the name proudly because this mountain goat has robbed more minotaur merchants than anyone 現在,她驕傲的接受了這個名字,因為這只“高原野生白山羊”搶劫牛頭怪商人的數量超過其他受害者。

Minotaur captain causes all creatures in the area around him ( radius 3 tiles ) to be unable to have morale with value less than one 牛頭首領使得所有在他周圍3 3區域里的所有生物的士氣不會低于1 。

It was given to her as an insult because she prefers to live alone in the mountains rather than the minotaur communities 用這個詞來侮辱她,是因為她喜歡單獨生活在山脈中而不是在牛頭怪群落里。

He claims to have been trained by the minotaur god of war , and so has dedicated his life to endless conflict 他宣稱自己由牛頭怪的戰爭之神訓練過,因而已經獻身于永無止盡的戰爭。

Minotaurs may occasionally use thrown weapons if charging headlong at an opponent doesn ' t seem to be working 當看不見對手時怪物偶然會使用投擲武器將不復存在。

Dace is a veteran leader of the minotaurs who has seen more fights than he can remember 戴斯是牛頭怪們經驗豐富的領導者,他打過的仗多到連自己都記不清。

If you go in now , you can kill the minotaur while he is sleeping 如果你現在進去,你可以趁邁諾陶(即迷宮內人身牛頭怪物)睡著時殺了他。

He was the minotaur in a canvas - and - paper labyrinth of his own construction 畢加索在自己設計的迷宮內是畫布上的人身牛頭怪。

There is something to be said about the diligence of the minotaurs 這個牛頭怪的勤奮值得大書一筆。