
minos n.【希臘神話】邁諾斯〔克里特島的王,死后做陰間法官〕。


A phoenician princess abducted to crete by zeus , who had assumed the form of a white bull , and by him the mother of minos , rhadamanthus , and sarpedon 歐羅巴腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,將其劫至克里特島,是邁諾斯,拉達曼西斯,薛爾泊冬的母親

1 wenfei fan , chee - yong chan , minos garofalakis . secure xml querying with security views . in proc 比如,假設一個大文檔中的一個葉結點被認為是機密的,它應該被隱藏。

Sun dance of minos 米諾斯太陽舞克里特

Daedalus took refuge in gretan cnossus, where king minos delighted to welcome so skilled a craftsman . 代達羅斯在克里特島的克諾索斯避難。彌諾斯國王極為樂意地接納了這位多才多藝的工匠。

Meanwhile, minos had raised a considerable fleet, and set out in search of deadalus . 與此同時,彌諾斯組建了一支龐大的船隊,外出搜尋代達羅斯。