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minor scale 【音樂】小調,小音階。

minor seminary

Due to the rigidity of land collective ownership system and the particular national condition of super minor scale management caused by dividing land equally , conform to the historical trend of the time , the transferring of land use right become the claim of agriculture and rural advanced productivity development and the succeed innovation of farm household responsibility system 在這一前提下,由于我國農村土地集體所有的制度剛性和均田承包形成的超小規模經營格局的特殊國情,土地使用權流轉順應時勢地成為農業和農村先進生產力的發展要求和家庭承包經營制度的后繼創新。

These features do not appear in a manner employing or patching up original folk songs directly but are thoughtfully embodied in his creations and recreations using pentatonic scales or major - minor scales or “ common tones “ 其二,不采用具體民歌或民間音樂加以改頭換面,而是運用民歌或民間音樂的綜合音調結構作品。

8 . to display a horizontal line between the major and minor scales , select the scale separator check box 8 。如果要在主要時間刻度和次要時間刻度之間顯示水平線,則應選中“時間刻度分隔符”復選框。

Major and minor scales are adjusted by the same amount 主要時間刻度和次要時間刻度將按相同的比例進行調整。