
minor adj.(opp. major)1.較小的,少數的,小…...

minor leagues

We would at least stick to the boat and give such minor service as chance might throw in the way . 我們至少要不離開船,而要臨機應變,盡點小小的義務。

Only some of the guards and a minor hotel employee, chosen as scapegoats, were imprisoned . 只有一些保鏢和那個旅館的小職員當了替罪羊,被關進了監獄。

On the scholarly level, the study of american literature has assumed proportions of a minor industry . 就學術水平而言,美國文學的研究已經初具規模。

On the whole, the damage to the house was of a minor character and it could readily have been repaired . 總的來說,房屋遭到的損壞較小,很容易修復。

On a day in early spring his army arrived upon the banks of a broad stream in asia minor . 初春的一天,他的軍隊來到小亞細亞的一條寬闊的河流的岸上。

There are a few problems of air pollution by chemicals, lint, etc., but these are minor . 化學品、棉花等也造成一些空氣污染問題,但這是次要的。

Most often, the ibm disk-track format is used, sometimes with minor variations . 大多數情況下,使用IBM的磁盤磁道格式,有時需要有少許變化。

When june determined on anything, delicacy became a somewhat minor consideration . 碰到瓊決心做一件事時,冒失不冒失在她是相當次要的問題。

Several authors have made minor additions to this hult-serrander-du rietz scale . 若干學者對Hule-Sernander-DuRietz蓋度標準作了小小補充。

As far as i could see , it only needed a minor adjustment : a turn of a screw here . 就我所見,它只需小小的調整而已:這里擰擰某個螺釘。

The president smiled, with fatigued tolerance for a minor person's naivety . 總統笑了笑,疲憊地表現出對一個下級人員的天真想法的寬容。

His speech causes a minor stir in the class, a polite discussion . 他的話在班里引起了一陣小小的騷動,也挑起了一場斯文的討論。

In analysing a situation , it 's essential to distinguish the main aspect from the minor one .. 分析形勢,要看清主流和支流。

Let 's focus our attention on the main problem and not get bogged down in minor issues . 抓主要問題,不要被枝節問題牽掣住。

A minor change in a single axiom produces a drastic change in the game . 一項原理上的微小改變,會在游戲中引起劇烈的變化。

A minor oscillation of the surface is experienced and a ground shock is produced . 地面受到輕度振動,并產生地下沖擊波。

Some threatened industries have won minor help from washington . 這些受到威脅的工業已從美國政府那里獲得了少許幫助。

He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary . 他從來也沒有去追求過出任無足輕重的總統密使的角色。

Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the spleenic substance . 甚至輕微的創傷就能引起脾實質撕裂。