minoan adj.(公元前2800-1100年前后以克里特 (Cr...
adj. (公元前2800-1100年前后以克里特 (Crete) 島為中心發達起來的)米諾斯文化的。 “minoan civilization“ 中文翻譯: 克里特文明; 米諾斯文明“minoan dance“ 中文翻譯: 米諾恩舞蹈“minoan culture on the crete“ 中文翻譯: 克里特島上的米諾斯文化“mino-kamo“ 中文翻譯: 美濃加茂“mino-aleviatin“ 中文翻譯: 三甲雙酮“mino, gifu“ 中文翻譯: 美濃市; 美市“minobe“ 中文翻譯: 見延; 美濃部; 美野部; 民部; 三野部; 蓑部“mino yoshimi“ 中文翻譯: 三野優美“minobe ryokichi“ 中文翻譯: 美濃部殼吉“mino river“ 中文翻譯: 米尼奧河
minol |
But what you will find is the ancient minoan outpost of akrotiri , frozen in time by a volcanic eruption 3 , 600 years ago . for living legends , explore the town of thera , where towering panoramas of sunbaked islets set in a turquoise sea dazzle our senses 涂白漿的房子群集懸崖頂上,自游輪遠眺,彷佛是層層飄滿白雪的山峰,像玩具般的屋子嵌坎在峭壁中煞是迷人。 |
The fury of santorini ' s final explosion is inferred from geologic core samples , from comparison to the detailed observations made on krakotoa in 1883 , and from the simultaneous obliteration of almost all minoan settlements 從地質學上的礦石樣本推斷,圣多里尼的最后猛烈爆發,與1883年喀拉喀托的詳細觀察相比較,幾乎與所有克里特居住地被除去的時期同時發生。 |
Plato ' s ( egyptian ) legend also holds that atlantis was peaceful - this is confirmed by a virtually complete absence of weapons in minoan ruins and in minoan artwork - unusual for peoples of that time 柏拉圖(埃及人)的傳說也認為亞特蘭蒂斯是愛好和平的? ?這從克里特遺址和克里特藝術品上完全沒有描繪武器而得到證實? ?對當時的人來說是不尋常的。 |
Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato . daedalus , the ancient scientist , was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos 很多比柏拉圖時期早一千年的古希臘傳說是發生在克里特島文明。代達羅斯,古代科學家,按照推測是克諾索斯宮殿的建筑師。 |
Archaeological records show that the minoan culture spread its dominion throughout the nearby islands of the aegean , very roughly from 3000 years bc to about 1400 years bc 考古學的記錄表明了克里特文明把它的主權延伸到愛琴海的周邊島嶼,粗略地估計是大約在公元前3000年到公元前1400年。 |
Crete , now part of greece , was the capital for the minoan people ? an advanced civilization with language , commercial shipping , complex architecture , ritual and games 克里特,現在希臘的一部分,曾經是克里特人民的首都,一個先進的文明,有語言,通商航行,復雜的建筑,宗教儀式和游戲。 |
In famine from the ash , with the bulk of their civilization washed away , the remaining minoans were overrun by mycaeneans from greece , and knossos finally fell 從火山灰而來的饑荒,它們文明的牛被沖走,殘存的克里特文明被希臘的邁錫尼文明蹂躪,克諾索斯最后倒下了。 |
By egyptian legend , the inhabitants of keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting , with unarmed minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls 埃及的傳說,克弗悌烏的居民會參加斗牛儀式,還有克里特文明的角斗士徒手摔跤以及跳牛比賽。 |
Let ' s have a look at the evidence which suggests that minoan crete and surrounding islands bear a striking resemblance to what plato described as atlantis 讓我們看看克里特文明的克里特島和周邊島嶼的證據,與柏拉圖描述的亞特蘭蒂斯驚人地相似。 |
Now consider this : the minoan palace at knossos , just outside the city of iraklion , was built in 1900 bc , 1 , 453 years before the parthenon 現在想想這個:位于伊拉克里翁市郊的米農文明克諾薩斯宮殿,建造于西元前1900年,比帕德嫩神廟還早1453年。 |
The ancient minoans laid terra - cotta pipes to bring water from a nearby hill , creating water pressure in much the same way we use towers 古米農人會利用赤陶管從附近山丘引水,制造水壓的方法跟我們使用水塔的原理大致相同。 |
Regardless of the legend , minoan culture extended across the island of crete , with most of its developments along the northern coast of crete 拋開傳說,克里特文明延伸,越過希臘島嶼,它延著希臘北岸,有著最大的發展。 |
There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in ancient egypt and in the ancient minoan civilization on the island of crete 有證據表明在古埃及和克利特島上的古彌諾斯文化中就舉行過體育比賽。 |
It is likely that atlantis was the land of the minoan culture , namely ancient crete and thera 傳說中的亞特蘭蒂斯很可能是克里特文明的國土,也就是古代希臘和提拉文明。 |
This same foolhardy practice is richly illustrated in remaining minoan artwork 同樣的愚勇習俗在克里特文明遺址的藝術品上大量地描繪。 |
Santorini was also a minoan land , and ruins can be found throughout the island 圣多里尼也是克里特的國土,整個島嶼都可以找到遺跡。 |
But the minoans sometimes were too clever for their own good 不過米農人有時也會聰明反被聰明誤。 |
So ancient myths were not new to minoan crete 因而,古代神話對于克里特文明來說并不陌生。 |