
minnow n.【魚類】鰷魚;小魚,雜魚。 a Triton amo...


They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america 既有在另一條特別之路上正在崛起的印度,又有面對中國崛起尋求更加激進外交政策的日本,也有俄國這個能源巨人,盡管在亞洲事務上尚不足為道;還有東盟10國;更不能忘了美國這個頭號勁敵,即便在中東問題上已經焦頭爛額。

“ it ' s not that long ago we managed to beat them 2 - 0 here , and that might be on their minds . “ leyton orient ' s reward for eliminating fulham is another top - flight opponent from the capital , charlton , who will host the league two minnows at the valley . os manager martin ling has warned his players each utterance of the south - east londoners “ name will cost them ? 10 雖然在去年的足總杯四分之一比賽中,阿森納隊將對手淘汰并最終奪取了足總杯冠軍,但在本賽季的兩場聯賽中, “槍手”兩度負于對手,特別是最近該隊剛剛在客場以0 : 2不敵博爾頓隊。

They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america 既有在另一條路上崛起的印度,又有面對中國崛起尋求更加激進外交政策的日本,也有俄國這個能源巨人,盡管在亞洲事務上不足掛齒;還有東盟10國;更不能忘了美國這個頭號勁敵,即便在中東問題上已經焦頭爛額。

This paper summarized the main endpoints and special sensitive indices of fish in the study of endocrine disruption , and introduced the main biological characteristics of several fish species such as chinese rare minnow , zebrafish , medaka , guppy , swordtail fish and fathead minnow , and their use in screening , detecting and assessment for endocrine disruptors 本文主要綜述了利用魚類進行內分泌干擾研究的主要測試終點和敏感效應指標;重點介紹了稀有鮑鯽、斑馬魚、日本青? 、孔雀魚、劍尾魚、黑頭軟口鰷等魚類的主要生物學特性,以及利用它們進行內分泌干擾物的篩選與測試方面的研究成果。

Though many species are facing extinction at the prd , the 2003 rediscovery of an endemic fish - white cloud mountain minnow after its disappearance for 20 years by the mainland researchers suggested that areas of conservation importance remain to be discovered and protected in the prd 雖然珠三角多個淡水品種正面臨絕種,然而該區的原生魚類白云金絲魚在消失20年后,于2003年被內地研究員重新發現,顯示珠三角的保育價值依然有待發掘,必須善加保護。

Croatia can book their place at next summer ' s finals with a draw against macedonia , while a victory for russia over israel would all but secure their spot in austria & switzerland with their last qualifier being against minnows andorra 只需打平馬其頓,克羅地亞就可以鎖定明年夏天的入場券,同時俄羅斯只需戰勝以色列就差不多一只腳踏進了奧地利&瑞士歐洲杯,因為他們的最后一戰對手是弱旅安道爾。

While a minnow compared with icbc , seng heng is macao ' s second largest locally incorporated bank with assets of 25 . 4bn patacas ( $ 3 . 2bn ) , profits of 312m patacas last year and nine branches in the special administrative region 雖然規模與工行不可同日而語,但誠興銀行乃是澳門第二大本地銀行,截至去年底,資產為254億澳門元(合32億美元) ,利潤達3 . 12億澳門元,在澳門特別行政區擁有9家分支機構。

Croatia can book their place at next summer ' s finals with a draw against macedonia , while a victory for russia over israel would all but secure their spot in austria & switzerland with their last qualifier being against minnows andorra 只需打平馬其頓,克羅地亞就可以鎖定明年夏天的入場券,同時俄羅斯只需戰勝以色列就差不多一只腳踏進了奧地利&瑞士歐洲杯,因為他們的最后一戰對手是弱旅安道爾。

In the ninth place , there are rainbow fish , sword fish , electric eels , whales , minnows , clams , abalones , lobsters , shrimps , turtles and more variety and ingenuity than we ever thought of , and there is nothing better than that 第九,這里有虹霓魚、劍魚、白鰻、鯨魚、鰷魚、蛤、鮑魚、龍蝦、小蝦、蠖龜以及各色各樣的奇特的魚類,其種類之多是我們想象不到的:宇宙間真沒有一樣東西比此更好。

Known for his ability to score sensational goals , gerrard was less prolific in the first half of the year , although his double strike in the 3 - 0 win against andorra in march was vital after the minnows had held out for the opening 45minutes 揚名于那一次次絕妙的射門,雖有三月3 - 0大勝安道爾比賽中的梅開二度,杰拉德在上半年仍是沒有創下大量的進球紀錄。

The tuscan minnows ' captain was lucky not to be sent off after he hit goran pandev in the nose during the biancocelesti ' s celebrations following his goal , before going on to net the equaliser 利沃諾的隊長在沖撞了拉齊奧前鋒潘德夫后幸運地沒有被罰出場,這一切都發生在拉齊奧前鋒進球后的慶祝過程中

It is the author ' s sincere hope that it can be taken for reference by administrators of universities in china and can provoke deeper thoughts and discussion by throwing a minnow to catch a whale 作者衷心希望能為中國高校的管理人員提供參考,并借由此文,拋磚引玉,引發更深層次的思考與探討。

India ' s ranbaxy is still minute compared with a branded - drugs maker like pfizer ; china ' s haier , a maker of white goods , is a minnow next to whirlpool ' s whale 印度的蘭伯西公司比起制藥廠商巨頭輝瑞還只是小巫;中國的海爾,一家家用電器制造公司,和惠而浦相比,只是鯨魚旁邊的小魚而已。

He is determined to play as many games as possible following his lengthy lay - off and hopes to be named on the team - sheet for the second leg against the coca - cola league two minnows 在長期休戰后,他決定盡可能的多參加一些比賽,同時他也希望出現在對乙級魚腩的第二回合比賽名單上。

He looked into every pool of water vainly , until , as the long twilight came on , he discovered a solitary fish , the size of a minnow , in such a pool 他察看每一個水坑,卻都是白費勁兒,直到漫長的黃昏來到時,他才在一個水坑里發現了唯一的一條鰷魚大小的小魚。

A quiver of minnows , fat of a spongy titbit , flash through the slits of his buttoned trouserfly . god becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain 天主變成人,人變成魚,魚變成黑雁,黑雁又變成堆積如山的羽絨褥墊194 。

There were three minnows in the pool , which was too large to drain ; and after several ineffectual attempts to catch them in the tin bucket he forbore 池子里有三條鰷魚,但是池太大,不可能舀干;徒勞無益地嘗試了幾次用鐵罐子捉魚后他克制住了自己。

There were three minnows in the pool , which was too large to drain ; and after several ineffectual attempts to catch them in the tin bucket he forbore 坑里有三條鰷魚,但水坑太大了,沒法舀干它;在用白鐵罐白試了幾次后,他就放棄了,他太虛弱了。

We ' d walk all the way to the stream , catch minnows and then wonder why they died the next day . sometimes we ' d play pirates , sometimes footall 我們會跑到小溪里捉鰷魚,然后冥思苦想為什么在第二天它們會死去,有時我們做“海盜“游戲,有時踢足球。