
minnie n.明妮〔女子名,Mary 的昵稱〕。


“ no , “ returned minnie softly , and rattling the dishes to drown the conversation “不, ”敏妮輕輕說道。她故意把碗碟弄出聲響來掩蓋她們的談話聲。

Minnie began to explain , but her husband took this part of the conversation to himself 敏妮開始解釋。但是她丈夫把這個話題包攬了過去。

Minnie mi oso 米尼米諾索

Minnie saw her chance . “ sven thinks it might be best for the winter , anyhow . 敏妮趕快不失時機地說: “史文覺得冬天還是回去的好。 ”

She sat with minnie , in the kitchen , holding the baby until it began to cry 她手里抱著孩子坐在廚房里,和敏妮在一起,直到孩子哭了。

You can get a phonograph record of minnie the moocher for 75 cents 你只用花75美分就可以買到一張minnie the moocher留聲機唱片了

It was difficult to speak to minnie about this , but at last she summoned the courage 這事很難對敏妮開口,但她最后還是鼓起了勇氣。

You can peek in minnie s refrigerator and watch a cake “ bake “ in her oven 或者觸摸一下微波爐洗碗機,說不定會有意想不到的驚奇

They are lover dolls , mickey and minnie . do you own them with your honey 這里還有情侶公仔哦,米奇和米妮.你和你的另一半擁有了嗎?

“ oh , i don t think sven would want to go to - night , “ returned minnie “我看史文今晚不會肯去的, ”敏妮回答。 “他早上要早起。

Minnie made no objection to this , and carrie put on her hat and went below 敏妮對此沒有反對,所以嘉莉就戴上帽子下樓去了。

Minnie shook her head 敏妮搖了搖頭。

Minnie was thinking of the resource which carrie s board would add 敏妮想的卻是嘉莉在他們家搭伙,可以增加些家里的收入。

Minnie looked serious 敏妮臉色很嚴肅。

She needed a hat first of all . how minnie explained to hanson she never knew 至于敏妮是如何向漢生解釋的,她從沒問過。

I want my aunt minnie 我要找我的阿姨蜜妮

Female artist driver , minnie 女藝人米妮哉花

Artist name : driver , minnie 藝人名稱:米妮哉花

How should she buy any clothes when minnie knew that she had no money 敏妮既然知道她沒有錢,她怎么能去買衣服呢?