
minnesota n.明尼蘇達〔美國州名〕。


I love minnesota 我喜歡明尼蘇達

The boys have been missing from their minnesota home since wednesday morning 男孩是在星期三早上他們明尼蘇達州的家里失蹤的。

The boys have been missing from their minnesota home since wednesday morning 這對兄弟是從上星期三在明尼蘇達的家中失蹤的。

University of minnesota 明尼蘇達州大學

The boys have been missing from their minnesota home since wednesday morning 他們是從上星期三在明尼蘇達的家中失蹤的。

Touched by sunlight , barren winter treetops in ely , minnesota , are illuminated 伊里冬天的日光照耀下的光禿禿的樹頂。

The boys have been missing from their minnesota home since wednesday morning 這對兄弟是上周三在家鄉明尼蘇達失蹤的。

But minnesota has fired two coaches and not made the playoffs since 但森林狼解雇了2名教練,此后再也沒有打進季后賽。

In the state of minnesota , dazzling smiles light up the faces of the children 美國明尼蘇達州的小朋友們燦爛的笑臉。

Master s wonders by sister initiate luckie , minnesota , usa originally in english 美國明尼蘇達州幸運師姊原文為英文

“ what a coincidence ! i work for the minnesota twins baseball team ! “多巧啊!我在明尼蘇達州的雙胞胎棒球隊工作! ”

College : minnesota 97 finished second in nba sixth man award in 2001 - 02 畢業學校:明尼蘇達大學minnesota 97年畢業

University of minnesota , usa 美國明尼蘇達大學

84 panorama of events report from minnesota , u . s . a . panorama of events 84活動了望臺美國報導靈性博覽會搭建文化

In the minnesota north woods , it ' s easy to fall in love with sled dogs 在明尼蘇達北部森林里很容易愛上雪橇狗。

Professor rosalie a kane , school of public health , university of minnesota - -美國明尼蘇達大學公共衛生學院教授

They ( it ) began with work by lh of the university of minnesota in 1960 明尼蘇達大學的lh在1960年開始這項研究。

Univ minnesota - twin cities usa 美國明尼蘇達大學

Are you an avid minnesota vikings fan ? i have the perfect gem for you 你都是的話,我有個完美的寶石要介紹給你