
minneapolis n.明尼阿波利斯〔美國城市〕。


Crews in minneapolis are using a high - resolution camera to search underwater after last week ' s deadly bridge collapse 上周的塌橋事件后,明尼阿波利斯的營救人員正在使用高分辨率的攝像機搜尋水底。

Department of electrical and computer engineering , university of minnesota , 200 union st . s . e . minneapolis , mn 55455 , u . s . a 最新的研究往往集中在改善片載存儲器結構的性能與功耗而非片外存儲器上。

Minneapolis police have released an official list of the eight people they believe are missing in the collapse of a bridge 明尼阿波利斯警方公布了一份正式的八人名單,警方相信他們在塌橋時失蹤。

Faue , elizabeth . community of suffering and struggle : women , men and the labor movement in minneapolis , 1915 - 1945 . 1991 《受苦和掙扎的社區: 1915 - 1945年間明尼亞波里的婦女、男人和勞工運動》 1991

Divers from the navy and fbi join the search for bodies in minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed 海軍以及美國聯邦調查局的人員紛紛投入到尋找在明尼阿波利斯橋梁坍塌中失蹤人員的行動之中。

Minneapolis police have released an official list of the eight people they believe are missing in the collapse of a bridge 明尼阿波利斯警方發布了在這次大橋倒塌事件中失蹤的八人的官方名單。

Minneapolis police have released an official list of the 8 people they believe are missing in the collapse of the bridge 明尼阿波利斯警方公布了一份關于他們認為在橋梁坍塌中遇難8人的名單。

Divers from the navy and fbi join the search for bodies in minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed 明尼阿波利斯市大橋坍塌事故之后,海軍和聯邦調查局的水下營救員也參與到搜尋工作中來。

The minneapolis office asked fbi headquarters to let it seek a court order to search the suspect ' s property 明尼阿波利斯辦事處請求聯邦總部允許它獲得一份法院的搜查令,以便搜查疑犯住所。

Divers from the navy and fbi join the search for bodies in minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed 海軍和美國聯邦調查局的潛水員加入了搜索明尼阿波尼斯高速橋倒塌的死者的行列。

The transportation security administration today announced the program will begin as a trial in minneapolis this month 交通運輸安全局今天宣布該項目本月將在明尼波尼斯試運行。

Minneapolis police have released an official list of 8 people they believe are missing in the clapse of a bridge 明尼阿波利斯洲警方正式公布了在大橋坍塌事件中失蹤的八人名單。

Divers from the navy and fbi join the search for bodies in minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed 海軍和美國聯邦調查局的潛水員加入了明尼阿波尼斯高速橋倒塌的死者搜索。

Four expectant fathers were in a minneapolis hospital waiting room , while their wives were in labour 四個準爸爸坐在明尼波利斯的醫院中焦急地等待著,他們的妻子就快要分娩了。

Divers from the navy and fbi join the search for bodies in minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed 明尼阿波利斯的高速大橋坍塌后,海軍和fbi的潛水員參加了尸體的搜尋。

Birthday becomes occasion to give , not receive - minneapolis star tribune subscription secrets to a stress free holiday - 生日成為場合給,不接受-米尼亞波尼斯星tribune捐款

A salesperson on the detroit - minneapolis - chicago circuit ; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit 在底特律一明尼阿波利斯一芝加哥三地游走的推銷商;巡回講演的著名演說家

Researchers recruited 86 women from the minneapolis - st . paul area in late 2001 and early 2002 在2001年末到2002年初,研究人員在明尼阿波利斯市和圣保羅市招集到86名婦女。

Divers are searching the mississippi river for people missing from the bridge collapse in minneapolis 潛水員們正在密西西比河上搜尋名尼阿波利斯城中橋梁塌陷的失蹤人員。