
minna n.明娜〔女子名〕。


My first cd single will be released soon , so after the holiday i will be working very hard in preparation for my debut . isho kenmei ganbarimasu ! ! minna ouenxxxxe ne ! ganbarouuuu = ) 我的第一支cd單曲就要發行啦,所以呢,假期過后我就會很努力地準備啦。加油!努力!

Jyaaaaaaaa ! ! ! precious minna ! i have to get to bed ! an other early day tomorrow . lets all work hard together , ne ? ganbarou 呀!親愛的的各位!我要睡覺咯!明天要早起哦。我們一起努力工作吧,好嗎?努力!加油!

She had spent the afternoon with minna hooven , who , for the time being , was kept indoors because of a wrenched ankle 這天下午,她是去陪伴明娜?何芬的,因為明娜扭傷了足踝骨,這一陣只得呆在屋子里。

Brand new minna no tabo towel . this auction is for one unit , have 3 kinds to choose . if buy 2 or more , can less hkd $ 5 全新大口仔小毛巾一條,價錢是一款價格! !有3款選擇! !若一次買2款,可平$ 5 !

Sony computer science kenkyuusho kenmogi kenichirou hakase kanshuu - nou ni kaikan : minna de aha taiken 索尼計算機科學研究所茂木健一郎博士監修腦內快感2全民輕松體驗!

Brand new minna no tabo big towel . this auction is for one unit price . if buy 2 or more , can less hkd $ 5 全新大口仔大毛巾一條,價錢是一款價格! !若一次買2款,可平$ 5 !

“ oh , “ said minna , breaking in , lying with sudden unwonted fluency , “ i am a nurse girl . “嗨” ,明娜插嘴說,突然一反往常的習慣,一口氣扯著謊, “我也是當保姆的” 。

Minna ! ! ! i have a guest blogger today ! please be nice to him , ne ! here it goes ! leah dexxxxa 各位,我今天請了個嘉賓。大家要多關照啊。來嘍!有請。 。 。

Hi everyone ! its been a while ! hisashiburi desu ne ! ! minna genki ? ? ? ? i hope so = ] . . genki dayo 大家好!有一些日子沒來寫咯。你們好嗎?希望都好!

Two more girls , twins around the age of nine , crowded behind minna 在米娜后面又冒出兩個小女孩,是一對9歲左右的雙胞胎。

Evan carefully led minna up the front walk and knocked on the door 埃文小心地扶著米娜走上房前的便道,敲了敲門。

There was no lack of comment as to minna hooven about the ranches 關于明娜?何芬,農莊里閑話多的是。

Minna , i owe this wonderful experience all to you 我和你們大家一起分享這美好的經歷。

She had spent the afternoon with minna hooven, who, for the time being, was kept indoors because of a wrenched ankle . 這天下午,她是去陪伴明娜何芬的,因為明娜扭傷了足踝骨,這一陣只得呆在屋子里。

Minna looked very pretty, striking even, with her black hair, pale face, very red lips, and greenish-blue eyes . 明娜一頭黑發,臉色雪白,嘴唇紅紅的,眼珠蘭里帶綠,出落得很漂亮,甚至可以說萬分動人。

There was no lack of comment as to minna hooven about the ranches . 關于明娜何芬,農莊里閑話多的是。

There's nothing vicious about minna . 明娜一點也沒有不檢點的地方。