
mink n.1.【動物;動物學】水貂。2.貂皮。


So i can not inform you of the best place to pimp your ride , or where to buy mink and diamond false eyelashes ( i hope they sedate the mink before they remove its eyelashes ) 所以我不可能給你提供哪里是最好的縱欲場所,或者哪里可以買到貂毛和鉆石做的假睫毛(我希望他們在拔下貂的睫毛時,先給它們服用鎮定劑) 。

From the idea of multiplex values orienting , i mink western rural senior vocational middle school should establish multiplex training objectives according to their own economic and social developing situations 從多元價值取向出發,提出了西部農村職業高中應根據經濟社會發展形勢確立多元化培養目標。

Furtech offers a variety of fur trimmings , fur collars and fur liners . mainly mink fur trimming , rabbit fur trimming , rex rabbit fur trimming , fox fur trimming , raccoon fur trimming , etc 皮草,皮毛,裘皮服裝,毛皮褥子,硝染皮張,帽條,領子,各種服裝輔料,圍巾及披肩,各種毛皮飾品,汽車座墊等。

Nick garment , which is made of abroad compound textile as surface and rabbit , mink or blue fox fur as lining is favored by customers and sells very well in the market 辛集企業采用國外紡織復合面料和獺兔皮水貂皮藍狐皮等毛皮產品為主料生產的尼克服,產銷兩旺,倍受市場青睞,而且發展前景廣闊。

We specialize in fur scarves : rabbit scarf , fox scarf , mink scarf . all those products are supremely elegant and fashionable , sell well in russia , south korea , and north american 主營裘皮圍巾:獺兔編制圍巾,水貂編織圍巾等各種裘皮編織圍巾.歡迎與我們洽談

You can also trade silver fox , mink , otter and others fur . over 300 enterprises from 27 provinces set up their agents to explore the potential market 近年來,由于政府不斷支持,留史鎮經濟水平突飛猛進,尤其是皮毛業,現在已經發展成亞洲最大的皮毛集散地

Peta says the heiress ditched her mink coats , fox collars and chinchilla trim after watching a video expose of the fur trade “動物人道主義協會”說,希爾頓在看了一盤揭露皮毛貿易的錄像帶之后,把她的貂皮大衣,狐貍毛領和栗鼠呢大衣統統收了起來。

The first thing came into our sight when we arrived home was that bird fairy was holding a bundle wrapped in a purple mink coat , pacing about in the courtyard 2回到家中,我們第一眼便看到鳥仙懷抱著一個紫貂皮大衣纏成的包裹,在院子里走來走去。

Most kingdoms that are raised for fur such as mink , opossum , fox and beaver are choosing no longer to ensoul those species held in captivity 大部分王國被飼養來獲得皮毛,如貂、負鼠、狐貍和海貍,它們正在選擇不再給被關住的個體賦予靈魂。

Some experts mink that the essence of the critical thinking is full of suspicion , analysis and critical aspects 有的認為批判性思維的本質是懷疑的、分析的和批判的;也有的認為批判性思維就是提出質問、弄清問題、進行分析。

Happiness in dreamthere was a wife who told her husband , “ last night i dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring . 夢中的幸福妻子告訴丈夫說: “昨天晚上我夢見你給我買了一件裘皮大衣和一個鉆石戒指。 ”

From the desperate city you go into desperate country , and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats 從絕望的城市走進絕望的鄉村,你得表現出一種外強中干的勇敢之態,來勉強安慰自己。

Mink , gwendolyn . old labor and new immigrants in american political development : union , party , and state , 1875 - 1920 . 1986 《美國的政治發展中的老工人和新移民: 1875 - 1920年的工會、政黨和政府》 1986

From the desperate city you go into the desperate country , and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats 你從絕望的城市走到絕望的村莊,以水貂和麝鼠的勇敢來安慰自己。

There was a wife who told her husband , “ last night i dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring . 妻子告訴丈夫說: “昨天晚上我夢見你給我買了一件裘皮大衣和一個鉆石戒指。 ”

Toby : why don ' t you just go a little crazy with the money ? buy your wife a mink coat or something 托比:為什么你不用那筆錢做點瘋狂的事呢?買件貂皮大衣送給你妻子或是什么的。

There was a wife who told her husband , “ last night i dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring . 一位妻子對她的丈夫說:昨晚我夢見你買豹皮衣和鉆戒給我。

His wife nurtured dreams of opening nights , being coaxed onstage in mink coat to share a bow 他妻子的夢想,是在明朗的夜晚,穿著貂皮大衣站在臺上向大家鞠躬致意。

She could not bring herself to purchase even an inexpensive set of earmuffs made of mink 但她不會買一件即使是由貂毛制作而成的便宜的御寒耳罩。