
minitype n.微型,小型。


The company mainly produces various kinds of tyres , which include 7 series of more than 80 varieties , rubber wheel , load tyre , light truck tyre , minitype tyre , agricultural vehicle tyre , strength tyre and inner , etc . the company has form the productive scale of more than 50 sets annually 公司主要生產“華鷹”牌各種型號的輪胎,包括膠輪載重輕卡微型,農用力車內胎等7大系列80余品種,現已形成年產50余萬套的產量。

( 2 ) fetuses at d27 were collected from wzsp and white minitype pigs respectively , the results showed that there is no notable difference in eg cells culturing between the two types of pigs ( p > 0 . 05 ) . they are all suitable materials to establish porcine eg cell lines ( 2 )分別收集d27wzsp和微型白豬胎兒,實驗結果證明, wzsp和微型白豬在eg細胞培養方面沒有顯著性差異( p 0 . 05 ) ,都可以用來作為eg細胞建系的材料。

This paper gives detailed discussion on the design and the implementation of the personal minitype electrocardiograph ' s main control board . it includes such a few circuit modules as mcu , memorizer , lcd control , touch panel control and so on 本論文對“個人微型心電圖儀”主控板上的主要電路模塊的設計思想及實現原理進行了較詳細的敘述與討論,包括微控制器、存儲器、液晶顯示與控制、觸摸屏控制等電路模塊。

The basic material data consists in the coding system of the enterprise material classify , the thesis studied some way of material classify and coding , using the actual object , the thesis set up a minitype coding system of the material classify 基礎物料數據存在于企業的物料分類編碼系統中,本文探討了物料分類和編碼的一些方法,并以實例為對象建立了一個小型的物料分類編碼系統,給出了實例的物料編碼。

In part i of this thesis , firstly we briefly introduce the concept and history of minitype humanoid robots , especially entertainmental robots . then the signific - ance and goal of our work are pointed out , and our research points are listed 論文的第一部分首先簡要地介紹了小型仿人機器人的概念、發展歷程以及小型仿人機器人和娛樂機器人的情況,然后介紹了本研究項目的背景和目標。

In the thesis , the corrective knowledge is presented . and the necessity and the feasibility of building expert system are talked over . as an adhibition , a minitype expert system named as slope re pair1 . 0 is built 對建立滑坡整治專家系統的必要性及可行性進行了討論,并基于產生式規則、順序搜索方式,利用人工智能語言visualprolog開發了一個小型的滑坡整治專家系統sloperepair1

Minitype - character inputting software and multiscript publishing systems were developed for government offices and for the media . these research established a foundation for minority - language information processing projects 在這一時期,主要為政府部門和媒體部門開發了一些小型文字輸入軟件和中型多文種排版系統軟件,并進行了研究工作,為少數民族的信息化事業奠定了基礎。

It is needed to design a digital electronic speed governor of low price and good performance for minitype gasoline engine to meet the ever - amounting requirement by production of the economy , reliability and automatization of power plant 為適應生產對動力裝置經濟性、可靠性和自動化水平日益提高的要求,需要針對小型汽油機進行高性能、低成本的電子調速器的研究。

Minitype series ultrasonic cleaners are mainly applicable to labs of plants , shops and small performances , used to cleanse components of clocks and watches , glasses , bijouterie , electronic components and plastic ceramic components etc 微型系列超聲波清洗機主要適宜于工廠實驗室商店及小批作業,用于清洗鐘表零件眼鏡珠寶首飾電子零件塑料陶瓷零件等。

Generally , minitype humanoid robots adopt micro servomotor as their actuator , centralized control scheme and off - line gait planning . but these factors leads that the robot has a poor adaptability to outer circumstance 小型化人形機器人采用微型伺服電機作為驅動源,控制技術仍采用集中式控制,離線規劃步態,這樣致使機器人對外界環境的適應性不高。

It is known these 8 sample buses include 6 - 12 meters ones , 15 - 55 seats ones , from minitype grade one to large - sized grade tow . they basically stand the series of production of hefei xiandai bus 廣州市環保局表示,今后將抓好65家重點企業大氣污染的治理,重點解決二氧化硫和酸雨污染問題,確保2004年空氣質量中的二氧化硫濃度優于國家二級標準。

In this thesis , from work principle , realization and algorithm all these methods , author specifies the minitype workflow management system , which is suitable for the requirements of given operation function in detail 文中從工作原理,實現思路,具體算法等多個方面,詳細介紹了作者自行研發的適應本系統業務需求的小型工作流處理系統。

The project is founded by sichuan provinc : low cost production management system for medium - sized and minitype enterprises - - - - powermach corporation ltd . management information system ( mis ) : 04gg010 - 008 本課題來源:四川省制造業信息化示范工程? ?面向中小企業的低成本生產管理系統(強力綜合生產管理系統,項目編號: 04gg010 - 008 ) 。

The character of our corporation : changeable power , efficient transform ; unique circuitry , logical layout ; minitype , light - duty ; simply an safely operate ; good stability , long use - life 公司產品主要特點:功率可調,轉換效率高:線路結構獨特,布局合理,集成化程度高;體積小,重量輕;操作簡單,安全;穩定性高,使用壽命長。

As minitype printing machines and manual processing failed to accommodate an advanced postal center in conducting centralized bill processing , finding an adaptable printing system was key 欲建立先進的郵件中心以集中處理帳單,小型打印設備人工處理方式,根本無法達到要求,因此尋找能與之相適應的打印設備成為關鍵。

As a embedded real - time kernel based task priority , cos - has been mainly used in the minitype embedded application . it has many virtue such as small size , stabile performance and free Cos -是面向中小型應用的、其任務基于優先級的可剝奪嵌入式實時內核,其特點是小巧、性能穩定、可免費獲得實現代碼。

Today , while satellite ' s position precision improves and microcomputer develops with very fast speed , more and more type b stations and minitype f3 stations employ step - advance tracking 在衛星的位置精度提高和微型計算機飛速發展的今天,越來越多的b型站和小型f3站采用步進跟蹤。

Feature and use : the machine used for cutting material such as rubber 、 plastic 、 leather and some others into test pieces that standards set . it is use as a minitype punch 本機用于將橡膠、塑料、皮革及其他特殊材料沖切成各種標準規定的試片,供試驗時用。亦可充當小型沖床使用。

The county inner has long pool post medium - sized 1 hydroelectric station , 12 , 000 kilowatts of equipped capacitor , have being hit by 92 minitype reservoir 林牧用地面積大,有林地998 . 67平方公里,占土地總面積的57 . 03 % ,宜牧草場113 . 8萬畝,理論載畜量近10萬個黃牛單位。