
ministry n.1.服務,侍奉。2.牧師的職務;〔集合詞〕牧師。3....


He might be the spokesman of the foreign ministry 他可能是今天新聞發布會的發言人。

Expert group suffers ministry of education to entrust 專家組受教育部委托。

Count on me if you apply to the ministry 如果你要申請政府補助我可以幫你忙

State bureaus overseen by ministries and commissions 國務院部委管理的國家局

Together with the ministry of commerce , we have set up the 此外,我們與商務部設立了

State post bureau under the ministry of information in dustry 國家郵政局信息產業部

The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this 魔法部不希望我告訴你們真相

Ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation 2006年-中國的俄羅斯年

And now after fifty years we still have a wow ministry 年后的今天,我們仍然是一個

But you are the ministry . you make it happen 你們是這教會,你們成就這一切。

National science council , ministry of economic affairs 國家科學委員會經濟部

Industrial development bureau , ministry of economic affairs 經濟部工業局網站

You were just watching divine souis ministries ' commerciai 你在看神圣心靈的廣告片

I ' m sorry , this is an inquiry from the ministry 對不起,這是從部里來的問詢

Inform against to the website of ministry of education ! 到教育部的網站上舉報! !

The ministry has concluded that , for their own safety .魔法部決定為了學生的安全

His public ministry was but three and a half short years 他傳道只有短短的三年半

Transport ministry , what are you doing 我是國土交通省的你們隨便干什么呢! ?

How can the ministry not know who conjured it 魔法部怎么會不知道這是誰干的?