
ministrative adj.= ministrant.


The theoretical basis of the integration of management and ethics is discussed , expounding the general mechanism of the interactive process , main channels and level transferring of it , and the special integrative mechanism of management and ethics is also further discussed in the typical ministrative areas of public administration , business administration and education administration , helping to promote the ethicalization of management and the managing of ethics , making all - sided high - level management and ethics 摘要為了系統揭示管理與倫理的相互融合機制,運用人本管理理論及實證分析方法,探討了管理與倫理融合的理論基礎問題,揭示了其中所蘊涵的互動過程、主要途徑、層次轉化等一般機制,并進一步探討了公共管理、企業管理、教育管理三個典型管理領域中所涉及的管理與倫理的具體融合機制,有助于增進管理的倫理化和倫理的管理化,從而全面提高管理水平與倫理素質。