
ministration n.1.行宗教儀式;(特指牧師的)職務;服務。2.救助,...


Located in shangxi town of yiwu city , is a pvc blowing toys handbags factory with a large scale founded in 1985 , it enjoys 16 - year s history , the factory covers an area of 11000 sq . m including huangshan development zone , owns 130 sets of large , medium small high - frequency heat - combining machines which form the firstclass printing production line in the same line . moreover , there are more than 200 skilled workers and a group of technicians with many years experience of production and ad - ministration served in factory . our factory has set up a good market image and established excellent brand reputation in passed years 始建于1985年,至今已有16年的歷史。本廠占地面積約11000平方米含黃山開發區。有大中小高頻熱合機130臺,在同行是一流印花生產線, 200多名熟練生產工人和一批具有多年生產制造管理經驗的專業人士,多年來我廠樹立了良好的市場形象,并建立了良好的品牌信譽。

In order to honoring the agreement , the ministration of communication of prc ( moc ) issued the quality management rules on education and training for seafarers of prc ( qmr ) . according to the rules , all maritime colleges in china were stipulated to set up quality management systems on education and training for seafarers , and the systems must be approved by the administration Imo于1995年頒布stcw95公約,為履約,中華人民共和國交通部頒布了《中華人民共和國船員教育和培訓質量管理規則》 (以下簡稱《規則》 ) ,立法規定開展船員教育和培訓的航海院校必須建立船員教育和培訓質量管理體系,并接受主管機關的審核。

Valentine now requires only the ministrations of the priest . “ you are mistaken , sir , “ exclaimed morrel , raising himself on one knee , his heart pierced by a more acute pang than any he had yet felt - “ you are mistaken ; valentine , dying as she has , not only requires a priest , but an avenger “你錯了,閣下, ”莫雷爾站起身來大聲道,他的心里感到他從未經歷過的劇痛, “你錯了,瓦朗蒂娜雖然已經死了,她不但要一位神父,更需要一個為她報仇的人。

On 18th of august , the first phase of 0 . 5 km2 for sip - blc has been authorized by customs general administration , the ministry of finance , state ministration of taxation and state administration of foreign exchange and started try - operation on 12th of october 2004年8月18日,園區保稅物流中心首期0 . 5平方公里通過了海關總署、財政部、國稅總局和國家外匯管理局的聯合驗收; 10月12日,中心正式開始試運作。

On 18th of august , the first phase of 0 . 5 km2 for sip - blc has been authorized by customs general administration , the ministry of finance , state ministration of taxation and state administration of foreign exchange and started operation 8月18日,園區保稅物流中心首期0 . 5平方公里通過了海關總署、財政部、國稅總局和國家外匯管理局的聯合驗收,開始封關運作。

Chapter 6 provide an example called disaster ministration rapid reaction system , which is based on the web application framework based on workflow , it can implement the business process building dynamically and reengineering 第六章,基于工作流的web應用框架,實現了災害救助快速反應系統,能有效的實現業務流程動態配置和再造。

I ' ve taken such courses as secretarial principles , office ad - ministration , business english , public relations , etiquette study , psychology , computer programming , typing , stenography , and file - keeping 我修了秘書原理、辦公管理、商務英語、公共關系學、禮儀學、心理學、計算機編程、打字、速記和檔案管理。

The mill still worked on , food being a perennial necessity ; the abbey had perished , creeds being transient . one continually sees the ministration of the temporary outlasting the ministration of the eternal 我們不斷地看到,為短暫的需要服務的東西很長久,而為永久的需要服務的東西卻很短暫。

As we consider the purpose of the “ latter rain “ it becomes even more clear why separation from sin is required under the early rain ( conversion ) ministration 當我們思考“晚雨圣靈”的功效時,為什么罪惡必須在早雨圣靈的工作下(蒙恩歸主時)去除就變得十分明朗。

Even tissues once believed not to change much after childhood , and thus not to need the renewing ministrations of stem cells , are yielding them 甚至是過去被認為發育期后不會再生,并由此推得其不需要干細胞修復輔助的組織,也會產生干細胞。

Imparted to him by angelic ministrations . it might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial , which is distilled only in the furnace - glow of 那力量可能是潛在熱情的興奮表現,是從長期不斷的誠摯思想的熔爐中蒸餾出來的。

For if the ministration of condemnation be glory , much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory 9若是定罪的職事有榮光,那稱義的職事,榮光就越發大了。

Job on education ministration of the party members should be conscientionly strenghened and improved in the new period 新時期要切實加強和改進黨員教育管理工作

On the construction and perfection of our national market ministration law system 論我國市場監管法律體系的構建與完善

How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious 8何況那屬靈的職事,豈不更有榮光嗎。

Self - ministration mechanism of regional pollution 區域性環境污染的自治理機制設計與分析

State bureaux administration by ministration or commission 部委管理的國家局

Credit culture and general plan for national ad - ministration 誠信文化與治國方略

But i fear he intended disrespect to the ministration of god's services 但是我恐怕他是存心對上帝的禮拜不尊敬。