
ministerial adj.1.部長[牧師、公使等]的。2.代理的;輔助的,...


Scit to co - chair wto informal ministerial meeting with minister of commerce 工商及科技局局長與商務部部長共同主持世貿非正式部長會議

Sci leads the delegation of hong kong , china to the fourth wto ministerial conference 丁午壽議員在立法會會議上提問-航空貨運成本

Mrs yau and mr wong will each give a keynote address at the ministerial meeting 尤曾家麗及王錫基將在部長會議上發表重點演說。

Scit : informal ministerial meeting in paris achieves encouraging progress 工商及科技局局長:巴黎非正式部長會議取得進展令人鼓舞

Scit , mr john tsang to attend informal ministerial meeting in kenya on mc6 工商及科技局局長曾俊華出席東京世貿非正式部長會議

Wto doha ministerial conference and further multilateral trade negotiations 世界貿易組織-多哈部長級會議及進一步多邊貿易談判

Scit , mr joseph wp wong to attend apec ministerial meeting in hanoi 工商及科技局局長前赴河內出席亞太經濟合作組織部長級會議

Welcome to the hong kong police world trade organisation ministerial conference webpage 香港警務處-世貿組織香港部長級會議

Quasi - ministerial “ system 類似部長制

Statement at the ministerial meeting by ambassador robert zoellick , 10172001 美國貿易代表澤奧利克在apec部長級會議上的談話

Scit to attend the 14th apec ministerial meeting in los cabos , mexico 工商及科技局局長在亞太經合組織部長級會議發言全文二

With a convulsive motion , he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast 他哆哆嗦嗦地猛地扯開法衣前襟的飾帶。

Strengthening the ministerial capability construction of ccp ' s skeleton organizations 加強基層黨組織執政能力建設的思考

But it said ministerial talks will go ahead as scheduled next week 不過韓國表示,雙方部長級會談下星期將按原計劃舉行。

Few cognition issues on strengthen ministerial party construction in new phase 新階段加強參政黨自身建設的幾個認識問題

With a convulsive motion , he tore away the ministerial band from before his * 他哆哆嗦嗦地猛地扯開法衣前襟的飾帶。

The 6th ministerial conference of the world trade organization will be held 世界貿易組織第六次部長級會議(世貿會議

Trade and industry department - “ sixth ministerial conference of the wto 工業貿易署-世界貿易組織第六次部長級會議

She said further talks - - possibly at ministerial level - - will be needed 她說,還需要繼續會談,可能是部長級會談。