
minister n.1.部長;閣員,大臣;〔pl.〕政府。2.公使;外交...


The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position . 那部長很不光彩地背離了他原先的立場。

Can even our ministers sustain a more humiliating disgrace ? 即使各位部長大人也能容忍更多這樣的屈辱嗎?

The prime minister will be giving a press conference tomorrow morning . 首相明日上午要舉行新聞發布會。

Your prime minister mentioned it in passing when i saw him . 你們的首相先生見到我的時候隨便提了一句。

The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation . 部長被要求對提出的新法案表態。

The minister cut the tape to open a new section of the motorway . 部長為一段新高速公路的竣工剪彩。

Our ministers dare not interpose with dignity or effect . 我們的眾位部長卻不敢嚴正有力地出面干涉。

He ministers to the poor . 他照應貧民。

It is thought that the prime minister will visit moscow next month . 據估計首相于下月訪問莫斯科。

The prime minister , speaking on television , denied the reports . 首相在電視講話中否認這些報道。

He would never suffer his ministers to speak about any alliance . 他還不許大臣們向他提續弦的事。

Fauchery jestingly enquired whether the minister was coming too . 浮式瑞嘲笑著問部長是否也會來。

Ministers wrote them in appealing or denunciatory vein . 牧師們用懇求的或指責的口氣寫信給他們。

“traveling kind of light, aren't you?“ the minister asked . “你可算是輕裝旅行?”牧師問道。

He met with the prime minister of japan for an hour and a half . 他和日本首相會晤了一個半小時。

The minister gave a broad hint that she intends to raise taxes . 首相明白地暗示她打算提高稅額。

She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a minister . 她承擔了做部長的所有責任。

His ministers became weary of his incapacity as a leader . 他的大臣們開始討厭這個無能的領袖。

The prime minister was fully briefed before the meeting . 首相在會議前已全面地掌握了資料。