
miniskirt n.超短裙,迷你裙。


Of all the many kinds of films ho meng - hua directed for the shaw brothers , quite possible his most popular worldwide was the flying guillotine . while he did not direct its like - titled sequel , he did helm this great spinning beheader follow - up , which critics considered among his best . it stars the gorgeous chen ping the miniskirt gang , lady exterminator as the fearless title character who takes on an entire flying guillotine gang , despite the fact that shes pregnant 韓天德因發現正為血滴子幕后操縱而遭滅門,其妻容秋燕陳萍外出,幸免于難,但仍遭血滴子統領金罡風羅烈追殺,又被師弟王俊岳華出賣,幸得前血滴子成員馬騰徐少強相助,終將金罡風殺死,替夫報仇。

But in 1960 the miniskirt popular time stock market dramatic rise , embargoed to the 70 ' s arabian oil , the american economy is dispirited , at that time the popular skirt also was actually long and the ankle area 但在1960超短裙普遍的時間股市劇烈的上升,被禁運到70年代阿拉伯油,美國經濟被氣餒,那時普遍的裙子也實際上是長和腳腕區域。

The rather arresting spectacle of little old japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt 漂浮在水上的舊式日本小屋混藏在米色的鋼筋水泥的高樓大廈中,這一引人注目的景觀正象征著和服與迷你裙之間永不停息的斗爭。

Sweetheart : i am wearing a red silk blouse , a miniskirt and high heels . i work out every day , i ' m toned and perfect . my measurements are 36 - 24 - 36 . what do you look like 我穿紅色的絲質上衣、迷你裙、高跟鞋。每天我堅持運動,我的身體非常完美。我的三圍是36 - 24 - 36 。你什么樣子?

And the world - famous model , whose swimwear is on sale at harrods , says : “ i would n ' t wear the towelling miniskirt , bikini top and flip - flops - those days are over 對此,赫莉表示: “我不會再穿著毛巾布的迷你短裙比基尼上衣和夾腳拖鞋了,這些日子已經結束了。 ”

Many women began to incorporate the miniskirt into their business attire , a trend which grew during the remainder of the century 許多女性將迷你裙作為她們的商務服裝,這種潮流形成于上世紀晚期。

A speech is just like a miniskirt : the shorter , the better . ( leaders should follow this rule more when delivering a speech 演說好比女孩子穿的裙子,越短越精彩。 (領導講話更應如此。 )

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 男秘書不得不調整自己十分傳統的信條和她的新潮現代風格的女老板相一致。

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 在女老板穿'迷你裙'生活方式前,男秘書不得不對他傳統的教條作出妥協。

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 那個男秘書必須放棄自己正統的信條去迎合女老板開放的生活方式。

Miniskirt battle games 無敵地堡小游戲

Flat boots and a little denim miniskirt is a look that can ' t be beat 平底靴加小牛仔迷你裙的裝扮絕不會遜色她人。

Miniskirt battle introduction 迷你裙爭奪戰游戲攻略

A miniskirt paired with a pair of boots is also a hands - down winner 迷你裙配長靴是最討巧的搭配方式。

A : amanda is wearing another extremely short miniskirt today 阿曼達今天又穿了一件超短的迷你裙。

Sweetheart : i ' m pulling up my miniskirt . take off my panties 我拉起我的迷你裙,脫下我的內褲。

Amanda is wearing another extremely short miniskirt today 阿曼達今天又穿了一件超短的迷你裙。

It ' s an era of the miniskirt in the seventies 七十年代是超短裙時代。

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