
minish vt.〔古語〕減少,縮小。


This article introduces a method of dynamic weighing and predetermined controlling . and in order to minish error in dynamic weighing , this article has adopted multilevel controlling with a suit of controlling arithmetic , and it has adopted a dynamic weighing method , so the speed and precision of weighing have improved , and to some extent it has offset the deficiency just in unilateral dynamic weighing or unilateral predetermined controlling 本論文中概述了動態稱量技術國內外研究現狀和發展,說明了研究動態稱器的必要性和迫切性,本文是把動態稱量和定量控制相結合,使控制算法來實現多級控制,從而提高了稱量的精度和速度,彌補了單獨提高動態稱量精度或單方面優化定量控制策略的不足。

According to the value of the testing , we can draw the conclusion that the value of the inductor get from the computation is corresponding with the testing value , and our inductors can be used in high frequency from 1mhz to 200mhz . the new method of fabricate thin film inductor would bring the inductor from three - dimension to two - dimension , minish its volume and weight and content with the requirement of “ small 、 light and thin “ for the apparatus 實際的測試表明,我們所推導的薄膜電感計算式能較好的符合測試結果,所制作的it用薄膜電感可用于1mhz 1ghz的射頻段,擴寬了電感的使用頻段,并使電感從三維向兩維空間發展,減小了電感的體積、重量,滿足了器件“小、輕、薄”發展的需求。

On the base of the quasi two - stage compression heat pump system with economizer , considering that it can make use of the pressure energy of liquid with high pressure and minish energy losing of the system , ejector is adopted to replace the throttle in the assistant loop , and design the quasi two - stage compression heat pump system coupled with ejector 本課題正是在帶閃發器準二級壓縮熱泵系統的基礎上,考慮到噴射器元件可以有效利用高壓流體壓力能,減小系統能量損失的優點,將其引入系統以替代輔路節流閥,設計出了準二級壓縮?噴射復合熱泵系統。

At present , information technology is rapidly developing to high integrated and complex direction , more and more microchip components have been integrated on one substrate . in order to minish the volume and weight of the system , one - way is to develop the micro - integrated technology , and another one depends on miniaturizing the components 目前it系統向高集成度、高頻寬帶化方向發展,要求在更小的基片上集成更多的元器件,這除了依靠高密度集成技術的發展外,從器件本身出發,只有研制小型化、薄膜化的器件,以減小系統的整體體積、重量,才能達到減小功率損耗、提高信號傳輸效率的要求。

Because mz interferometric optical fiber gyroscope has bigger nonreciprocal phase , the system thermal stability , polarization noise and the error caused by the fluctuation of light source is particular analysed , some effective methods is proposed such as : using the “ quasi - white - light “ interferometry and the fiber polish technology accurately to control the fiber length , using depolarization light to minish the polarization error , and using temperature control , optical power control and depolarizer to stabilize the output of the light source 結合mz干涉式光纖陀螺的存在較大非互易相移的特點,著重從其溫度穩定性、偏振噪聲以及光源波動引起的誤差三個方面分析了抑制噪聲、提高檢測精度的方法,提出了:采用“準白光”干涉測量法結合光纖研磨技術精確控制光纖長度差的辦法;采用非偏振光源抑制偏振噪聲的方法;采用溫度控制、功率控制以及消偏器實現穩定化陀螺光源的方法。

Aiming at the problem that solution fem equation set needs too much memory , segregated solotion method has been adopted and for the first in china e l em ent - b y - e lement ( e b e ) has been introduc ed when solving flow field parameter equation sets . ebe technology need not assemble and store the global stiffness matrix , and minish effectively memory requires of solution equation set , moreover it has inherent high parallelity , and advance equation solution 針對求解流場有限元方程組占用計算機內存資源過多、限制求解規模的缺點,采用分離式求解法,在求解流場各參數方程時,在國內首次引入ebe技術, ebe技術不必組集和存儲總剛矩陣,能有效地減小了方程組求解時對內存空間的要求,同時ebe技術具有內在的高度并行性,能有效提高方程組的求解速度。

In the research realm of the target identify , an important topic is to minish the laser radar cross section of the space target for target stealth . the laser radar probes a target is based on the target under the laser , the space and time distribute characteristic of the strength ? polarization and phasic of the laser scattering etc . to identify a target 在目標識別研究領域有一個重要的課題是減小空間目標的激光雷達散射截面便于目標隱身。激光雷達探測目標是根據目標在激光照射下,激光散射的強度、偏振和相位等的空間和時間分布特征來識別目標,目標表面粗糙度是影響目標激光散射特性的重要影響因素。

The electrode was found to decrease the solubility of dithizone in alkalescence solution and effectively minish the lose of deoxidize state of metal . third , a potentiometric sensor was prepared by adding copper diethyldithiocarbamate directly into the carbon paste mixture , and the electrode was found has nerst response to copper ion in solution . and in our research two pharmaceutical selective electrodes were fabricated by coating polyvinyl chloride ( pvc ) which contained electroactive material on carbon rod electrode 第二,利用- cd與環氧氯丙烷形成的交聯聚合物( - cdp ) (不溶性)包合了雙硫腙,然后將- cdp與雙硫腙包合物樹脂作為修飾劑制備了碳糊修飾電極,利用陽極溶出伏安法( asv )測定了pd ~ ( 2 + ) ,實驗發現通過包合降低了雙硫腙在堿性溶液中的溶解度并且減少了金屬還原態的流失,取得了較好的效果。

Compared to bare steel strand , galvanized steel strand ’ s anti - corrosion is worse in 3 % nacl solution . 3 . the result of corrosion research in different ph value simulation acid rain show that bare steel strand has a low corrosion rate at ph = 4 , corrosion rate at ph = 2 and ph = 6 is larger ; epoxy coating steel strand ’ s corrosion current intensity decrease with ph value ’ s minish ; reverse to epoxy coating steel strand , galvanized steel 3 、模擬酸雨中腐蝕研究結果表明,在不同ph值的模擬酸雨中,全裸鋼絞在ph = 4時腐蝕最慢, ph = 2時腐蝕最快, ph = 6時腐蝕速度居中;環氧鋼絞線腐蝕電流密度隨ph值的減小而減小;鍍鋅鋼絞與環氧鋼絞線剛好相反,腐蝕電流密度隨ph值的減小而增加, ph值越小,腐蝕電流密度越大,越容易遭受腐蝕。

According to the comparison of the types of the cmos integrated reference , bandgap reference was choosed as the most mature in theory and most steady in performance . through analysis of temperature compensation methods in lots of literature , it was pointed that only multi - order compensation method of temperature could minish temperature coefficient sharply 闡述了cmos電路中常用到的重要的子電路的相關理論,通過對各種類型cmos集成基準電壓源的性能和特點的比較,確定選用理論最為成熟和性能最為穩定的帶隙基準源。

So how to minish the surplus torque by selecting proper control strategy is a main aspect discussed in this paper . by applying the structure invariant theory in the control strategy , an equivalent structure invariant loading system is produced , which proved to be very effective in reducing the redundant force 論文闡述了多余力產生的機理,研究了影響多余力的因素,在控制策略方面,采用了結構不變性原理,建立加載系統等效的結構不變性系統,從根本上來減小多余力的影響。

By a great number of tests indoors , the theoretic analysis of microstructure and fracture mechanics , tests on the test - road , after the analysis of road - related performances of cement - bound crushed stones base and the study for improvement , the conclusion is put forward , that applying the cement fa - bound crushed stones base can obviously minish the maximal stress of asphalt pavement , lighten and stay cracks in the asphalt pavement effectively and economically so as to improve long - term performances of the structure of pavement 通過大量室內試驗、微觀結構和斷裂力學理論分析,鋪筑試驗路段現場檢測,分析水泥穩定級配碎石基層的路用結構性能,并研究其路用性能的改善措施,得出水泥粉煤灰穩定級配碎石基層可明顯減小瀝青面層的最大應力,經濟有效的減輕和延緩瀝青路面開裂,改善路面結構長期使用性能。

Besides , we use software smooth filtering to minish the influence of white noise and high - frequency noise , ground connection and shield technology to eliminate electromagnetic interference , and rational circuit distribution to attain high signal - to - noise of the whole fiber optic weak magnetic sensor system 另外,采用軟件平滑濾波等處理以減小白噪聲和高頻噪聲的影響,利用接地及屏蔽技術消除外界的電磁干擾,并對電路進行合理布局布線,以獲得高信噪比的光纖微弱磁場傳感器系統。

In this paper , the reason for which the substrate temperature effects the nonuniformity of umbirfpa is analyzed . it is brought forward that using three point correction method to minish the substrate temperature ' s influence on nonuniformity of umbirfpa . the principle of the new method , the way to realize the method and the flow process to obtain the correction coefficients were given simultaneously 文中分析了umbirfpa的非均勻性受襯底溫度影響的原因,計算了襯底溫度對非均勻性影響的大小,提出采用三點非均勻性校正新方法來克服襯底溫度的影響,并分析了這種新方法的原理、實現方案和校正系數的獲取流程。

As a result , the receiver can better understand such delivered information . because of the magnitude of multimedia data , data must be encoded before being transferred by network . encoding of data can minish the magnitude of multimedia , so it is the key to network based multimedia applications 多媒體信息數據量巨大,要通過網絡傳輸多媒體信息就必須對多媒體信息進行壓縮編碼,減小通過網絡傳輸的數據量,壓縮編碼是基于網絡的多媒體應用中必須解決的問題。

In order to deduce the effects on dynamic performances , a method by using prediction filter is introduced . to minish overshoot subsection of input signal with exponent is adopted . these methods are proved by mathematic simulation 針對動態高型控制方法使系統動態性能變差的問題,提出了利用預測濾波技術改善系統動態性能的方法,進一步提出了利用指數函數將階躍輸入信號分段以降低系統超調量的方法,并通過數學仿真驗證了這兩種方法的有效性。

The numerical simulations show that the resonant peak of the self - adaptive damper minish more than 60 % compared with the damper whose electrostatic field built by piezoelectric ceramic did not charge up er fluids , then which proves that electrostatic field built by piezoelectric ceramic can drive er 通過以上研究,得出了如下結果: 1從理論上模擬了壓電陶瓷產生的靜電場加在電流變液上和不加在電流變液上兩種狀態下,阻尼器的振動行為。

Also , the pan mats are handed with heat treatment , preoxidation , carbonization . the heat treatment can enhance the strength of nanoflbers , and the mats deposited on the cylinder have luster by preoxidation and the diameter of nanofiber minish greatly after carbonization 對所得pan纖維氈作熱定型、預氧化及碳化處理,發現熱定型在一定程度上能提高纖維的強度,輥筒收集的預氧化纖維氈有一定光澤,而碳化后的單根纖維直徑大大減小。

Through the stress relaxation test we can get relaxation modulus under various strain , and it indicate that the relaxation modulus of asphalt concrete specimen will turn minish along with the augment of the strain . which is to say the relaxation will be better if the strain is small 通過松弛試驗得到的不同應變條件下的松弛模量曲線表明,所加的應變越大,瀝青混凝土試件的松弛模量越小;也就是說,所加應變越小,其松弛性能越好。