
miniscule n.(= minuscule)1.(中世紀古抄本的)小書...


This is clearly not an aggressive store ramp - up timeline , and these direct sales will represent only a miniscule amount of sne ' s total annual consumer electronics revenue , but it is interesting to even see the company experimenting in this direction 這是一個很明晰但并不激進的店面拓展時間表,這些直銷店面的銷售額在新力消費者電子產品的年度總營收只會占據很小的份額,但令人感興趣的是,我們從中可看到這家公司對直銷方向的探索。

As the majority of what enters through the sample cone ( and consequently into the vacuum regions ) is argon and not matrix the amount of matrix “ pumped away “ will be miniscule , if you are pumping away matrix will you not also “ pump away “ the analytes 你接觸過那么多家的儀器,分子泵不是把氣體抽出去的,而是撞出去的,離子在電場作用下,被加速,聚焦,只有不受電場作用的粒子擴散到分子泵入口,被抽走。

Its reach may still be miniscule within india , but it is spreading , and the terrorists who blow up trains in bombay are at least as great a threat to india ' s economic future as any that luce lists 印度伊斯蘭狂熱主義的活動范圍也許還很小,但已有一股蔓延之勢,恐怖分子還在孟賣炸毀火車,嚴重威脅了印度的經濟發展,威脅程度絲毫不低于盧斯列出的其他因素。

After studying the burrs under a microscope , he realized that he could create a fabric fastener with the same miniscule hooks that made burrs so effective in sticking to fabric and other materials 通過在顯微鏡下的觀察,他意識到可以利用芒刺微型小鉤可以緊粘接尼龍和其它材料的原理,發明粘貼式尼龍搭扣。

But during its long voyage stardustalso picked up a different type of sample - - miniscule particles of interstellar dust that arrived at our solar system from distant stars , lightyears away 然而在“星塵”漫長的航行中還收集了另一種的樣品? ?極微小的星際塵埃,那是來自遙遠恒星(數光年外)的微粒。

Here ' s how it will work : as in the original plan , the automated microscope will scan the entire surface of the collector , recording digital images of each miniscule portion of the aerogel 它是這樣工作的:與先前的計劃一樣,自動顯微鏡將掃描收集器的整個表面,記錄下氣凝膠每一細微局部的數字影像。

A miniscule proportion of the population knows about the existence of literary magazines , but those magazines and those writers are a vital part of our social order 只有一小部分的人口知道這些文學雜志的存在,但那些雜志同那些作家是我們的社會秩序中至關重要的成分。

It was a life - altering moment for swartz , who suddenly saw his woes as [ b ] miniscule [ / b ] compared with the teen ' s vast emotional and physical struggles 那是改變史瓦茲生命的一刻,他突然醒悟自己的困難與這位年輕人心理和生理上的煎熬比起來實在微不道。

This meant that the particles were truly miniscule ? smaller than the wavelength of visible light , and therefore affecting the shortest wavelengths more than the longer ones 這意味著微粒的確非常小? ?小于可見光的波長,因此對短波的影響大于長波。

This is because the miniscule particles are expected to penetrate only the very top layer of the aerogel plates , to a depth of no more than 100 microns 這是因為預計這些微小的顆粒只能穿透氣溶膠頂部不超過100微米的深度。

Huge scenes are captured in miniscule canvases , and small plants are painted all over large canvases 她把廣闊的風景收納于極小的畫框里,或者將纖小的植物全面放大,讓其占據整個畫面。

Why propose miniscule no - take zones which you know will not have any material effect on fisheries 為甚么只建議設立范圍極小的禁捕區,而知道這對漁業資源根本不會有任何實際成效?

In fact , these miniscule grains floating in empty space are responsible for much of the world we see around us 實際上,這些飄浮在真空中微小的顆粒造就了我們所見的周圍世界。

This month , peter uses his old linux box to build a miniscule web - based household calendar 在這個月, peter使用他的古老的linux機器構建了一個很小的基于web的家用日程表。

Miniscule engine components don ' t always behave like their scaled - up counterparts 這些微型發動機的零件不能總像一般的大發動機那樣正常運轉。

There ' s a miniscule possibility that if we reach the satellite station , we could . . 只要能到衛星站那里,我們就可以. .

There ' s a miniscule possibility that if we reach the satellite station , we could 只要能到衛星站那里,我們就可以